Banjaluka. Nakon što su riješili turnire u Hrvatskoj (Zadar) i Srbiji (Beograd), organizatori se fokusiraju na organizaciju cijele priče u BiH (Banja Luka i Sarajevo) te Crnoj Gori Najbolji tenisač svijeta Novak Đoković zaigrat će na turniru u Zadru, potvrdio je u petak Hrvatski teniski savez. 19.900 KM. Dominic Thiem wins Adria Tour in Belgrade! The Organizing Committee of the Adria Tour made a decision on the cancellation of further events After today’s meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it has been decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka … Izvor: Adria Tour Following the Tuesday meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it was decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka and Sarajevo will not be held, the Committee said on their Instagram account Coric will play his second match tonight about 21:00 CET. Sistem koji će se primenjivati je “Round Robin”, što znači da će svako da igra sa svakim u dve grupe, od po 4 igrača. Grigor Dimitrov withdrew from the tournament and was replaced…, World no.1 Novak Djokovic defeated his compatriot Pedja Krstin in the third match of the Adria Tour in Zadar. All rights reserved. After today’s meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it has been decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka and Sarajevo will not be held. Adria Tour nastao je na inicijativu Novaka Đokovića kako bi promovirao sport, pozitivne vrijednosti i fair-play, ali i kako bi se skupila sredstva za potrebite. Korišćenjem ovog sajta prihvatate korišćenje kolačića. Adria Tour donated 50,000 euros to the Serbian Tennis Federation, in order to help the tennis players who participate in the TSS Tour series get the higher the prize money. Učešće na "Adria Tour" je potvrdio i Bugarin Grigor Dimitrov, teniser kome je treća pozicija na rang listi bila najbolji plasman, a trenutno je 19. igrač na svetu. The second leg will be held in Croatia’s coastal resort of Zadar on June 20-21 and the final one in Bosnia’s Banja Luka on July 3-4. Najbolji teniser svijeta sprema se za humanitarni turnir "Adria tour", ali i za potencijalni nastavak takmičarske sezone. KORIŠTENO. Klikom na dugme "PRIJAVA", korisnik prihvata da od strane na email dobija Novosti. The much criticised Adria Tour has been cancelled after world No 1 Novak Djokovic, who had organised the event, tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday. In the second…, Draw for the second tournament of the Adria Tour series has been made on Friday. U organizaciji našeg šampiona, "Adria Tour" će biti održan u gradovima širom Balkana, a prvi turnir kreće iz Beograda, na terenima TC Novak (13/14. The second leg of the charity event is taking place in Croatiaâs coastal resort Zadar on June 20-21. "Izuzetno nam je žao što moramo da prekinemo organizaciju teniskih turnira u Banja Luci i Sarajevu. Organised by our champion, Adria Tour will be held in cities across the Balkans, with the kick-off tournament to be organised in Belgrade, on the TC Novak courts (13/14 June), followed by Zadar (20/21 June) and Banja Luka (3/4 July). Novak was 1-3 down in the first set, and he also faced three set balls, but didnât allow his opponent to grab the lead. Ovaj sajt koristi kolačiće za poboljšanje korisničkog iskustva. 13th June - 5th July ⠀ The best tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, is gathering together world class tennis players who will present themselves to the audience at the regional Adria Tour event! Prema podacima kompanije Ticket Vision, na čijem sajtu i blagajnama su se mogle nabaviti karte, interesovanje za turnir u Beogradu od 12. do 14. juna je bilo nezapamćeno. Najveće uspehe ostvarivao je 2011. kada se popeo na 12. poziciju rang liste. Ujedno, svi koji su nabavili ulaznice pomogli su programe za unapređenje ranog razvoja naše dece koje u Srbiji sprovodi Fondacija "Novak Đoković" - rekao je Đoković. ... scheduled for July 3 and 4 in Bosnia's Banja Luka, is now likely to be called off. “We are extremely sorry that we have to stop organizing the upcoming tennis tournaments in Banja Luka and Sarajevo. Adria Tour’s Sarajevo and Banja Luka tennis matches cancelled. The first leg of Djokovic's Adria Tour is being held at his tennis complex by the Danube River, with Germany's Alexander Zverev, Austrian Dominic … “Na Drini ćuprija” roman nobelovca Ive Andrića…. 110 000 PREĐENIH KILOMETARA- SERVISNA KNJIGA-Cijena do registracije 12.900-BANJA LUKA . Organised by our champion, Adria Tour will be held in cities across the Balkans, with the kick-off tournament to be organised in Belgrade, on the TC Novak courts (13/14 June), followed by Zadar (20/21 June), Montenegro (27/28 June) and Banja Luka (3/4 July). Something similar is expected in Zadar, where the best Croatian tennis players, Marin Cilic and Borna Coric, will join Novak, Grigor Dimitrov and Alexander Zverev. HILJADU ULAZNICA ZA "ADRIA TOUR" RASPRODATO ZA SEDAM MINUTA PRVI kontigent od 1.000 ulaznica za humanitarni sportski događaj "Adria Tour", koliko je danas pušteno u prodaju, rasprodat je za rekordnih sedam minuta! Uz to, planiran je i odlazak u Sarajevo, u nedelju, 5. jula gde će Novak i Damir Džumhur da odigraju egzibicioni meč. 9:14. blportal. “We are extremely sorry that we have to stop organizing the upcoming tennis tournaments in Banja Luka and…, Novak Djokovic tested positive for a virus COVID-19. 12.900 KM. 114 000 PREĐENIH KILOMETARA- GRIP CONTROL / NAVIGACIJA / SENZORI- Adria Auto doo BANJA LUKA . Ujedno, želja organizatora je da se pomogne teniserima da se vrate u formu i takmičarski ritam usled situacije sa koronavirusom. Konkretno, u subotu svaki teniser će imati po dva meča, a u nedelju još jedan meč u grupi, da bi se potom igralo finale između dvojice najboljih. Još velikih imena iz Evrope najavilo je dolazak na dobrotvorni turnir koji je osmišljen kako bi se prikupila sredstva za humanitarne projekte širom regiona, među kojima su i programi "Novak Đoković" fondacije za programe ranog razvoja i obrazovanja dece. Thiem beat Dzumhur 2-0, retired. Also, there was a scheduled exhibition match between … He is not showing any symptoms. • Tennis court in Banja Luka made for Adria tour T he Adria Tour opened on 12 June in Belgrade, Serbia, and was set out to continue across the Balkan region to Zadar, Croatia on 20 June; Crna Gora, Montenegro, on 27 June; Banja Luka, Bosnia & Hercegovina on 3 July and finish in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina on 5 July.. Envisaged as a philanthropic exhibition series, the Adria Tour aimed at fundraising for education and … adria tour tenis đoković banjaluka. The Russian defeated Alexander Zverev 4-2, 4-1 to book final meeting with Novak Djokovic (20:00 CET). Jula 2020. Organizacioni odbor turnira "Adria Tour Banjaluka" održao je danas, u Administrativnom centru Vlade Republike Srpske Banjaluci, prvu sednicu, na kojoj je kontatovano da svi radovi u pripremi turnira idu planiranom dinamikom i da će svi organizacioni poslovi biti završeni na vreme. Saturday (1pm start) Dimitrov beat Lajovic 4-3, 3-4, 4-1. He returned home to Monaco after feeling unwell during the Saturday match against Borna Coric. Od domaćih igrača, igraće i Viktor Troicki, član zlatne srpske generacije iz 2010. koja je osvojila Dejvis kup, ali je u ekipnim takmičenjima za našu zemlju osvajao i ATP kup ove godine, kao i Svetski kup 2009. i 2012. Sportskom spektaklu "Adria Tour" u Beogradu prethodiće turnir Teniskog saveza Srbije, u uobičajenom formatu od kvalifikacija, koje kreću u ponedeljak, do finala koje će biti održano u petak. Djokovic defeated as Adria Tour's Montenegro leg scrapped. U karijeri je do sada osvojio osam titula u singlu, i jedan je od najkvalitetnijih takmičara sa ovih prostora. The Adria Tour is a set of exhibition matches which begin in Belgrade, Serbia and will have its second round in Zadar, Croatia. jun) i u Banja Luku (3/4. Predviđeno je da se igra na dva dobijena seta, do četiri gema. Prateći mere bezbednosti i preporuke o udaljenosti od minimum jednog metra između gledalaca na sportskim događajima, organizator je odlučio da u petak u prodaju pusti još 1.000 ulaznica. The second leg will be held in Croatia's coastal resort of Zadar on June 20-21 and the final one in Bosnia's Banja Luka on July 3-4. Earlier on Saturday, Djokovic’s younger brother Djordje and the Adria Tour director, released a statement saying the event’s board had decided to scrap the Montenegro leg. The Austrian toppled Krajinovic 7-2 to take a one set lead. Najbolji teniser sveta Novak Đoković okupio je vrhunske asove belog sporta koji će da se predstave publici na regionalnom "Adria Tour" događaju od 13. juna do 5. jula. JUL). The main tournament within TSS Tour will be played at Novak center from June 8th to June 12th, where the … The Bulgarian revealed the news on Instagram on Sunday. U slučaju da bude omogućeno prisustvo publike, ulaznice će moći da se obezbede za dve sesije po danu, a termini će biti naknadno objavljeni. U organizaciji našeg šampiona, "Adria Tour" će biti održan u gradovima širom Balkana, a prvi turnir kreće iz Beograda, na terenima TC Novak (13/14. Megapopularni dirigent i virtuoz na violini injegov Johann Strauss Orchestra najavili su povratak…, Usled i dalje nepovoljne situacije izazvane pandemijom Kovid-19, planirani koncert Zdravka Čolića u…, Ivo Andrić - Na Drini ćuprija
Budite prvi koji će dobiti infromacije u vezi svih najboljih predstojećih događaja. Initially, the Adria Tour was divided into four stages, taking place in four locations: Belgrade, Serbia (June 13-14), Zadar, Croatia (June 20-21), Montenegro (June 27-28) and Banja Luka, and Bosnia (3-4 / 7). JUN - 5. jun), da bi se potom preselio u Zadar (20/21. June 13-14 in Belgrade; June 20-21 in Zadar; June 27-28 in Montenegro (CANCELLED) July 3-4 in Banja Luka; July 5 in Sarajevo (Djokovic vs Dzumhur exhibition match) Order of play. - Hvala svima na ovolikom interesovanju i želji da kupovinom karte budu deo "Adria Tour" i tako se nađu u prilici da na delu vide Novaka Đokovića i neke od najboljih tenisera sveta. 23. At the end of the group stage, the top players from each group will be involved in a Grand Final every Sunday. After today's meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it has been decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka and Sarajevo will not be held. My result is…, The final of the Adria Tour in Zadar has been cancelled after Grigor Dimitrov tested positive for coronavirus. Earlier today, Borna Coric beat Pedja Krstin 4-3 (4), 4-3 (2) to finish second…, Serbian and world no.1 Novak Djokovic enjoyed two comfortable wins on Saturday, during the second weekend of the Adria Tour, taking place in Zadar. Novak was…, Dominic Thiem is the first ever champion of the Adria Tour! ... July 3-4 in Banja Luka; July 5 in Sarajevo (Djokovic vs Dzumhur exhibition match) Order of play. The opening set went to a tie-break. The Adria Tour event in Banja Luka, Bosnia, was scheduled to take place on July 3-4. After today’s meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it has been decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka and Sarajevo will not be held. ... BL PORTAL - Informativni portal sa pregledom novosti iz grada Banja Luka te pregledom svih aktuelnih vijesti iz zemlje i svijeta. Novak beat Borna Coric in straight sets 4-1, 4-3 (1) and qualified for the final. Pored Đokovića, koji će igrati sve turnire, najveća zvezda ove sportske manifestacije biće 26-godišnji Austrijanac Dominik Tim, treći teniser planete, trostruki grend slem finalista, osvajač 16 ATP pehara, uključujući i jedan iz masters 1000 serije u Indijan Velsu. “I want to reach out and let my fans and friends know that…, Andrey Rublev reached the final of The Adria Tour charity tournament in Zadar on Sunday, following his third Round Robin win in Croatia’s coastal resort. July 3-4 at Banja Luka; What will be this Adria Tour Format? jul). Some of biggest tennis players like world number 3 Dominic Thiem, former ATP Finals champion Grigor Dimitrov, Damir Dzumhur and Viktor Troicki will join Djokovic in the newly launched Adria Tour, which will feature eight players and will be held in Belgrade, Zadar, Montenegro and Banja Luka. Djokovic has come under much criticism for holding the Balkan charity exhibition series without much regard for public safety, which also had stops in Banja Luka and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, scheduled for early July. Prvi kontigent od 1.000 ulaznica za humanitarni sportski događaj “Adria Tour”, koliko je danas pušteno u prodaju, rasprodat je za rekordnih sedam minuta. NAJBOLJI TENISER SVETA NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ OKUPLJA VRHUNSKE ASOVE BELOG SPORTA NA REGIONALNOJ SERIJI TURNIRA "ADRIA TOUR" (13. Adria Tour is a moment that we all look forward to: Novak Djokovic, Dominic Thiem, Alexander Zverev, ... Montenegro from 27 to 28 June and Banja Luka from 3 to 4 July). Regionalni turniri održaće se od 13. juna do 5. jula, a prvi će se odigrati na terenima TC Novak 13. i 14. narednog mjeseca. The tournament that brings the tennis aces together - Adria Tour. Following the Tuesday meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it was decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka and Sarajevo will not be held, the Committee said on their Instagram account Prema podacima kompanije Ticket Vision interesovanje za teniski turnir u Beogradu od 12. do 14. juna bilo je nezapamćeno. Krajinovic won the second…, The Organizing Committee of the Adria Tour made a decision on the cancellation of further events, Djokovic, Rublev undefeated in Zadar RR competition, Djokovic beats Coric, qualifies for the final, Novak outplays Krstin, Rublev topples Cilic in Zadar RR1, Coric eases past Dimitrov, Petrovic stuns Zverev, Draw for the Adria Tour series in Zadar revealed, Novak arrives in Zadar, Croatian Tennis Association president greets him at the airport. jun), zatim u Crnu Goru (27/28. World no.1 Novak Djokovic leads the field, joined by Alexander Zverev, Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric, Marin…, World no.1 Novak Djokovic arrived in Croatia, where The Adria Tour is set to continue after the first leg was held in Belgrade with great attendance last weekend. PEUGEOT 208 1.6 HDI 75KS- Navig* Park Senzori -2016g. It was…, Borna Coric and Grigor Dimitrov opened the Round Robin stage at The Adria Tour in Zadar on Saturday. Copyright © 2020 Adria Tour. jul). Taj turnir se igra za nagradni fond koji je TSS već izdvojio uz pomoć Novaka Đokovića. Saturday (1pm start) Program će biti upotpunjen i dublovima sa poznatim ličnostima, kao i teniskim manifestacijama za decu. What TV channel is the Adria Tour on and can I live stream it? Nakon Zadra, turnir je trebao biti održan u Crnoj Gori, ali je otkazan i još je neizvjesno što će biti s tim terminom, a slijede Sarajevo i Banja Luka. Osvojio je tri titule u singlu do sada, Kup Kremlja i dva trofeja u Sidneju. Teniski regionalni turnir humanitarnog karaktera "Adria Tour" neće biti nastavljen, te neće biti održan u Banja Luci ni u Sarajevu, odlučeno je danas. His rival will be world no.1 Novak Djokovic. Takmičenje će se održati u četiri države, a "jadranska turneja" počeće sutra u Beogradu. Politika privatnosti. Djokovic had previously defeated compatriot Pedja Krstin. The Croatian no.1 player recorded a convincing 4-1, 4-1 victory against the Bulgarian in 36 minutes. After impressive Round Robin performances from both Filip Krajinovic and Dominic Thiem, the two met in the Adria Tour final in Belgrade. jun), da bi se potom preselio u Zadar (20/21. Banja Luka 3 ° Sarajevo-1° Tuzla ... Teniski spektakl "Adria Tour", u organizaciji Fondacije prvog tenisera planete Novaka Đokovića, biće održan i u gradu na Vrbasu i to 3. i 4. jula. ⠀ "We are extremely sorry that we have to stop organizing the upcoming tennis tournaments in Banja Luka and Sarajevo. Now, in the aftermath of what happened in Zadar, the rest of the Adria Tour has been scrubbed. jun) i u Banja Luku (3/4. Sport Bilder des Tages 25.05.2020 BelgradeSerbia Novak Djokovic press conference, PK, Pressekonferenz announcement of exibition tennis tournament Adria Cup who will play in Belgrade,Zadar,Montenegro and Banja Luka. It was decided in a tie-break where Djokovic triumphed 7-3. Adria Tour final cancelled after Dimitrov tests positive for COVID-19 6/21/2020. Potom slijede turniri u Zadru (20/21 jun), zatim Crnoj Gori (27/28 jun) i u Banjaluci (3/4 jul). The opening round in … The next scheduled stop in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina in two weeks has not yet been officially cancelled. ... Zadar was the second stop of Djokovic’s Adria Tour … Svi mečevi biće prenošeni na kanalima televizije Sportklub, a slike iz regiona će ići i širom sveta. jun), zatim u Crnu Goru (27/28. The 29-year-old Bulgarian had been competing in the Adria Tour exhibition tournament in Croatia until he withdrew due to feeling ill during the weekend. To će biti moguće da se izvede jer će biti povećan kapacitet stadiona sa montažnim tribinama u TC Novak, koji će imati preko 4.000 mesta. “The moment we arrived in Belgrade we went to be tested. Djokovic beat Troicki 4-1, 4-1. Adria Tour schedule. The eight players participating in this competition will be divided into two groups of four apiece, with each player featuring in three matches each weekend. The second leg will be held in Croatia's coastal resort of Zadar on June 20-21 and the final one in Bosnia's Banja Luka on July 3-4. Pedeset „socijalnih“ stanova gradi se u naselju Ada. Prije 2 dana . Banja Luka. Immediately upon his arrival in Belgrade Novak was tested along with all members of the family and the team with whom he was in Belgrade and Zadar. Players are divided into two groups.