O2 Refresh splits your Pay Monthly Bill into two parts. For example, if you add a new Pay Monthly connection that costs £19 a month for the device plan, and £16 a month for the Airtime Plan, you will save 20% off the Airtime Plan. @Anonymous .....to answer your question ( note @MercedesS) O2 don't do easy. http://www.o2.co.uk/termsandconditions/rewards/o2-open has section 2 for process of registering if it is any help, Well done @MI5. Alternatively you can give us your NationalInsurance number and upload a recent copy of your payslip.We will check these details and send you an email to yourpersonal email address to let you know that you’ve beenvalidated successfully. Friends and family discount - Page 3 - O2 Community. Get 20% off airtime when you add additional Pay Monthly connections to your account. As of 1st February 2017 this guide for the O2 open discount scheme no longer works. O2 Telefónica Challenges. Thanks [ * MOD edit - no referral offers or request & no referral links pls ] Post Tweet You can add up to 20 connections*. Track usage, upgrade and more with our new look app. Your Airtime Plan will then be £12.80 a month, saving you £3.20 a month. Anyone can say they work for a qualifying employer. Tell us the end dates of your other contracts and we’ll remind you. COUPON (8 days ago) Hi Does anyone know the score with the friends and family discount. They will get instructions back with what information to provide next to arrange for the discount. The 30% Friends and Family discount does still exist, however upon upgrading it gets removed and you need to have the O2 employees name and EIN number to get it re-applied. When not playing, he enjoys taking in all that the Bay Area has to offer with his friends and family. Well done @MI5, The way the system 'works' for NHS Discounts disallows volunteers from getting it. If you haven't registered yet, please register and log in. £7.65 a month for Your Family (4 friends and family) £12.76 a month for Your Extended Family (9 friends and family) The bolt on is only available to O2 Pay and Go and Pay Monthly customer's, who will become the Family Owner. Have a look at the banners at their homepage, and get the big sale information. Text LOYALTY to 21500 from your new number, within 28 days. Cancelling your contract - An updated guide, Tips to avoid unexpected charges on your bill. Note that the F&F discount can be added only within 90 days of taking a new contract or an upgrade. O2 Family Plan with online … If you upgrade you must also re-apply for your discount. 14 posts. It certainly makes the process easier (as long as it works). Read more. Perks for the family. Can you please assist as I have received my new phone and will return it within cooling off period if i can't apply discount as other providers are offering emergency service discount. With the Family Plan, you can get up to 50% off your airtime plan, when you take out an additional connection (up to 20 connections) on an eligible tariff. Thread updated with the latest official O2 information. how do you apply f&f in 2017 as that site no long is live and also can it be applied to SIMO contracts including discounted ones? The F&F discount can also be applied to simo contracts (providing they are not already discounted by a special offer or web deal) and PAYG accounts but at all times the contracts must be taken directly with O2 (no 3rd party resellers) and notable exclusions always apply to new iPhone launches (check T&C's for full details). Family Plan discount - Terms & Conditions ("Offer Terms")Family Plan allows you to get a discount off eligible Pay As You Go Big Bundles and Pay Monthly airtime on O2 (the “Offer”). O2 International Friends and Family. Friends and Family (F&F) applies if you have friends or family working for O2. Read our cookies policy. As I don't have either how can I apply for the discount? For F&F, the employee of O2 needs to request the discount on your behalf by texting DISCOUNT to 2020. O2 Extras; Priority offers; Priority Tickets; Perks at O2 venues; Pay & Go Rewards; Services . (Unlikely) If not i might aswell only do the friends and family discount since its bigger. To me and probably many of the other regulars on here, your entitlement is well justified. You can have a maximum of two discounted Pay As You Go connections per customer. As a volunteer, although I give up time to go out and help save patients and train others to do the same, your system requires me to use a "pay slip and email address from the ambulance service" to quote one of your staff at Huntingdon O2 shop. The … You can get big savings too. Stáhnout mobilní aplikaci. Looks like it will be a great deal for those of us with friends abroad. So i was wondering do all or just two if any of these discounts stack? Can NHS pensioners get these discounts like you can with Vodafone? Buy a phone, tablet or sim directly from us and on an eligible tariff. Step 3 – Apply your discountOnce we have verified your registration, you can log backinto o2.co.uk/open and select the number you would like thediscount applied to. We’ll text you once we’ve added your discount. O2 Student offer is 20% off your airtime plan on Refresh. Business tariffs, standard tariffs, Apple Watch tariffs and any tariff that already has a discount applied aren’t eligible for this discount. ie, NHS, health service, health trust, etc. On my 3G account i had the o2 open 30% off discount (not friends and family) and when i went in to the O2 shop to upgrade, the very nice lady left my 30% discount code on my account for the iphone 4 contract! Cons Sales targets that can be very high, having … I work for the fire service and have used the open code benefit discount for years but I unable to use now as no one in our HR dept knows the code. O2 has promised to lift the limits on number of minutes customers pay for so they can call friends and family during the coronavirus lockdown. Step 2 – Verify your registrationWhen you register, we need to confirm that you work forthe company or organisation, so you will need to give us avalid work email address. I signed up for the O2 friends and family offer, which was free for 3 months and then £5 per month from then on. You can save £5 on our £15 and £20 Big Bundles on Pay As You Go. Eligible contracts must be registered to the same address as the lead account, whether it's in your name or someone else in your family. I'm still seeing this in the latest T&C's. Like free tickets and discounts at Merlin attractions. What's this about sharing Open codes? He wouldn't accept the word "VOLUNTEER" and "Don't have them". Beyond what I imagined. We will resume our normal clinic hours on … If you’re already an O2 customer, you might be able to register for Family Plan using our SMS service. Once on a phone, once on a tablet? (I clicked on the link in the guide to provide the info I showed in your thread) https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Other-Products-Services/O2-Open-Employer-Code/m-p/1036147#M24258, So although the guide is correct ...it's actually the process of acquiring the code which has changed.. 1 December, 2020: This December Vodafone is giving customers the chance to enjoy 30 days’ free unlimited mobile data so that they can keep connecting with friends and family this Christmas. With an O2 Family Plan you can add up to 20 connections to your plan, which is more than most networks allow. Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Moje O2 Family. If you're on a Family Plan, you can get £5 off our £15 and £20 Big Bundles. O2.co.uk offers flexible data plans to suit all lifestyles as well as family plans. You can now only use it twice. smlouva přejde na variantu smlouvy na dobu neurčitou, která je … Save money. 30% off (21 days ago) I have just upgraded from an iphone 3G to an iphone 4. You can get this done up to 14 days after upgrading and it has to be done in store. Family owners can add O2 Business or Corporate numbers as part of friends and family … To be fair it was open to abuse. Once your F&F discount has been applied to your account, you should see it as a bolt-on as well as in the Discounts section of your Bill breakdown in My O2: To claim your student discount text your code to 61202 from any mobile. Posted 28th Feb 2016. Vor der Bestellung können Sie in der o2 Netzkarte online prüfen, ob das Handynetz in der Region, wo Sie den Tarif überwiegend nutzen möchten, gut ausgebaut ist. I was told in store that if I upgraded, the discount will stay on however when I did upgrade, the discount did not. 127/2005 Sb. *Limited to five O2 Refresh custom plans. I saw Code Check as a thread title yesterday and wondered why I hadn't heard of it before. And you might want to, because doing so can save money. What's the O2 community and how to get started? Message 1 of 6 (3,123 Views) Reply. This is how the Family Plan discount shows in your My O2: Hope this helps in explaining the different schemes and claim processes. Zobrazit nabídku O2 Family. English speaking customer? If you add a Pay Monthly sim only contract, your discount will be taken off the Airtime Plan. O2 custom plans; O2 Recycle; Click and collect; Perks . Your Allowances - what is and isn't included. Der Vodafone Family & Friends Vorteil ist eine Art interner Rabatt, der meist per Einladung durch einen Vodafone-Mitarbeiter ermöglicht wird. In relation to consumer credit, Telefónica UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference Number 718822), Enter your mobile number below and we'll send you a code, If you've not received a code after 10 minutes we can, Each year your Airtime Plan will be adjusted on your April bill by the RPI rate of inflation announced in the preceding Feb. See. Friends and Family. I'm a Community First Responder for the ambulance service. Just for being on O2. O2 Offer 4 schemes that discount of the airtime portion of your contract: More information on each discount scheme below: Please read the FAQ's carefully as there have been some significant changes, such as no longer allowing customers to share their code up to 5 times. With International Favorites, InterO2 Telefónica is making it cheaper and easier for its callers to stay in touch. I'll drop this into the main guide later. When shopping for your new plan, make sure to use O2 promo codes and O2 discount codes for the best savings. You can only have one discount at a time so F&F would be best at 50%. Grab a tablet to entertain the whole family. Currently it's email or payslip verification, so if you can access either, you can get the discount. https://news.o2.co.uk/press-release/top-of-the-class-o2-offers-teachers-40-discount-on-their-phone-b... A step-by-step guide to registering on our forum. Order by midnight for free next working day delivery. o2 staff from there call centers and even in the shop were driving me bonkers with this supposedly "open code" or discount code which then gets patched thru as a "friends and family … When we think international calling, we think expensive, right? You’ll need the five, character O2 Open company code that you’ll get from your. Once your Family and Friends are connected or have upgraded, you will need to decide if you want them to receive one of your ten Family and Friends (50% off custom plan Refresh Airtime or 30% off SIM Only/Standard Direct tariffs) discounts or if you want to give them one of your sixty Customer discounts (10% off custom plan Refresh Airtime or SIM Only/Standard Direct tariffs). Friends and Family (F&F) applies if you have friends or family working for O2. It will not be carried forward to an upgrade or a new contract, even if in the same name.