5x16. Virginia sends Alicia and Strand to a warehouse full of walkers covered in sticky Molasses as a punishment where she tests them. Elle est très douée dans ce qu'elle fait et elle veut rallier le plus de monde possible pour avoir autant de compétences possibles à sa disposition. Virginia orders Hill to check Janis' bag. Elle veut reconstruire une communauté, avoir une structure et encourager la coopération dans ce monde éclaté par le chaos. Virginia arrives for a confession, Janis willingly states she killed him and is scheduled to be executed in the morning. "Virginia est une utilitariste. Image Gallery. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. She comes from a corporate climate whe… Virginia recounts how, in the first settlement she lived in, a man murdered his friend over a can of tuna. Ethnicity Il ne reste plus que deux épisodes avant la fin de la saison 5 de Fear The Walking Dead sur AMC et on en sait enfin un peu plus sur Virginia, celle qui s'est vite imposée comme étant la nouvelle antagoniste de la série. Elle fait la même chose après l'apocalypse, c'est juste que les suppressions sont un peu différentes...". En tuant les survivants "non indispensables" Virginia a pourtant prouvé que sa philosophie de vie n'est pas compatible du tout avec celle de Morgan et des autres qu'elle a voulu recruter. Afterwards, when asked why she would falsely admit to it, she tells John that she simply has nobody left to live for. She hands it over to Hill, and warns Victor to not squander another opportunity, before leaving. Executive Producers Ian Goldberg and Andrew Chambliss rejoindre cast members Jenna Elfman and Austin Amelio to discuss the Season Finale of Fear the Walking Dead. Nothing is known about Virginia's life prior to or as the outbreak began, other than she was an efficiency expert that was hired to assess what was redundant in a company and eliminate jobs that weren't necessary. Virginia pulls out a revolver and tells Morgan he's staying. Season 4 … Virginia tosses his staff as he crawls back towards the church. When John and the others arrive to the scene, they find Janis being detained and held at gunpoint by Marcus and some other rangers. Avant l'apocalypse, c'était une experte en rendement". La saison 6 de Fear The Walking Dead devrait nous donner plus de détails maintenant que Virginia s'est - apparemment - débarrassée de Morgan et qu'elle a réussi à … La saison 6 apparaît donc plus inquiétante que jamais, boostée par des ellipses temporelles, qui la rapprochent de l’action de The Walking Dead.Semi-anthologique, elle comporte 16 épisodes, concentrés chacun à leur tour sur un groupe de personnages précis. That night, the group gets separated and driven away into different settlements. They refuse so she orders her people to prepare to kill them. Check out an exclusive look at Fear the Walking Dead Season 6B, as Morgan goes to war with Virginia. To make an example, the town elders tied the murderer to a stake outside the walls and left him over night with loud music blasting from speakers next to him. She reveals that, thanks to Cameron, she knows about the letters John smuggled to June via Janis, and has read every single one of them. Season 3 of Fear the Walking Dead is now finished. He connects with her face but gets shot through the chest in the process. She's currently a member of Morgan's Group. She reluctantly agrees. "Elle veut juste aider autant de personnes que possible. (Warning: There are some spoilers within.) Created by Dave Erickson, Robert Kirkman. The conversation is interrupted by the shouts of a ranger. Virginia, auch Ginny genannt, ist ein Antagonist und eine Überlebende des Ausbruchs in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. end of the line. She reminds them they can always join her group but they ignore her and walk away. Fear the Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror drama television series created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson for AMC. Afterward, Virginia escorts them to the gate and hands Morgan his repaired staff as a gift. She also assures them their friends are fine, except for Logan. Now, a new trailer for the remaining episodes has been unveiled and it teased what lies ahead to several characters. She congratulates him and the others on a job well done, and exemplifies this as how they survive. 2019. bibi69 . Virginia utilise des méthodes drastiques et Logan en a rapidement fait les frais. "You don't have to do this," Morgan says before swinging his stick at her. L'interprète de Virginia, Colby Minifie (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Boys), a parlé de son personnage "Ginny" et de son groupe, les Pionniers, ainsi que de ses motivations et de son passé. It is a companion to the television series The Walking Dead and based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. She can help each one of them in exchange for keeping the oil fields running. Predictably, by morning he was completely devoured by the dead. Switching topics, John asks what will happen to Janis, but Ginny simply replies that an example will need to be made. When Virginia asks who could have pushed Cameron into the fence, John presents the earring he found, deducing that it belongs to the killer. Dakota is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC 's Fear The Walking Dead. In a video montage, Virginia interviews several people who praise her actions of helping those in need. Corporate Efficiency Analyst (Pre-Apocalypse)Leader of the Pioneers (Post-Apocalypse) The series is a companion series to The Walking Dead, which is based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. She places a bounty on Morgan, stating that she does not know if he is dead or alive, and is assured by Emile that she will know soon. Virginia is the new primary antagonist on Fear the Walking Dead. Colby Minifie as Virginia - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 13 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC World Beyond features all of the elements The Walking Dead fans love by Sarabeth Pollock Virginia has them taken to an apartment. She gives him a key and names him a Ranger. Actor "Elle était engagée pour repérer les éléments redondants d'une entreprise et pour supprimer les postes inutiles. She also tells Victor that he just formed them an army. Fear The Walking Dead saison 5 : Pourquoi on n'a même plus envie de regarder la fin de la saison, Fear The Walking Dead saison 5 : Episode 14, SPOILER en grave danger, notre verdict, Vous devez être connecté pour poster un commentaire, La Coupe du monde des Séries — Édition 2020, fin de la saison 5 de Fear The Walking Dead. Fear the Walking Dead season 6 is coming back next month on AMC. Virginia is seen when John secures the scene of Cameron's death, and stops a couple of rangers from removing his corpse. She is portrayed by Colby Minifie. Luciana offers to stay to help them make gas if she lets the rest go. video. Virginia is visited by John and tells her that he doesn't believe the death was an accident, as the fence is too far from the house and it didn't seem like Cameron was drinking, since the bottle of moonshine he had in his house was full. "We'll be fighting on our own turf, and our own terms." Virginia agrees and tells everyone her offer's still on the table when they want to take it. virginia. La saison 5 de Fear The Walking Dead va prendre fin. Virginia is the first main antagonist in the entire franchise to survive a zombie bite through amputation. Fear the Walking Dead season 6 episode 6 on AMC this weekend serves as a fine reminder of how great this season is.It also created a fascinating couple of scenarios for the writers to follow up on. In a flashback, Virginia and some of her pioneers encounter a grieving Logan on the side of the road. She promises to build something bigger and better, claiming she and her group hold the key to a safer future where they can help each other. Virginia and her pioneers arrive at Paradise Ridge with one of the trucks of the convoy. She and her group then discover Morgan and Althea in a pool, and she sarcastically compliments them on their entrance. The sixth season of Fear the Walking Dead, an American horror-drama television series on AMC, premiered on October 11, 2020, and will conclude on June 6, 2021, consisting of sixteen episodes. John agrees that making people feel like they're safe is good, but thinks actually keeping them safe is better. Sie ist die Anführerin ihrer Gruppe. Unknowingly to them, Virginia also sends a group of horses to assist the group and ensure their survival. Ginger talking dead. They try to greet their friend, but to their shock, he doesn't recognize them. Virginia questions why she would do that, since he accomplished his mission and cleared the sugar plant. Synopsis - Fear the Walking Dead (S06E01) Alors que le groupe lutte pour survivre séparément, Virginia engage Emile, un mystérieux chasseur de primes, afin d'éliminer définitivement Morgan Jones. However, she overrules him, not wanting to rile people up. She says she's been keeping tabs on him and shares his vision. Dakota - Sister(Unnamed) - Parents (Deceased) She reveals she knew about the site because she tried to help the residents but they rejected her and got killed. 5x13. Series Lifespan Virginia then gets a call from the doctor informing her Grace isn't sick, she's just pregnant and malnourished. chris hardwick. Virginia Sa seule préoccupation est que le plus de personnes possible survivent et prospèrent sous son leadership. "We can get from yesterday to tomorrow," Virginia says grinning as Logan's expression changes. She is a former member of the Pioneers and is the sister of the group's leader, Virginia. The next morning, Virginia visits them and introduces herself, explaining she watched their tapes. First Appearance When John is talking to Dakota about Cameron, Virginia cuts her off, who asks her sister to go home. He accepts. It is a spin-off to The Walking Dead, which is based on the comic book series of … Virginia sends Grace away with a doctor to check on her as she and Morgan confess their mutual feeling, leaving them alone. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Age She also had a younger sister named Dakota.[1]. Colby Minifie Virginia answers Morgan's radio call and says she is happy to hear from him. Virginia explains that Daniel was hellbent on getting Skidmark back, and lost his memory in the resulting altercation. Season finale: Morgan Jones was left for dead during the season five finale Sunday of Fear The Walking Dead Virginia shared the information with … She makes contact with Emile's radio, threatening Morgan by saying she will kill his group one by one if Morgan attempts to make contact with them. season 5. She introduces herself and asks if Logan was the one who was trying to help a young woman, offering their condolences. Victor asks how she expects the workers to follow her, since she isn't very popular among them, but Ginny says that is his job, and hands him a key that authorizes him to use his soldiers however he sees fit, but that they need to be ready for when she calls upon them. This list shows the victims Virginia has killed: Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. John thinks the death warrants investigation, but Virginia brushes it off, although she comments John for his diligence. Dwight points his gun at her but Morgan talks him down. When he empties it, Virginia rummages through the contents and discovers a matching earring to the one John found earlier and orders Janis to be locked up. After the sisters are reunited, Victor tells Ginny that the others were acting on his behest, so she should only punish him. https://www.amc.com/shows/fear-the-walking-dead/talk/2019/09/spoilers-fear-the-walking-dead-qa-colby-minifie-virginia?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_content=qa-how-virginia-justifies-her-violent-methods&utm_campaign=fear-the-walking-dead&sf108850010=1, https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Virginia_(Fear)?oldid=1464559, Virginia and her group are the first antagonists of. She turns to Dwight and tells him that one of her people broke bread with Sherry a couple of months ago and that he should trust her since he didn't reveal Sherry's name in their tape. She is the leader of the Pioneers, as well as their headquarters in Lawton, Oklahoma, and is the sister of Dakota. Status Virginia is first seen haircut from Daniel and has Strand and Alicia brought to her. Marcus explains that they caught Janis trying to sneak out of the settlement. Fear The Walking Dead saison 5 : Déjà une mort à prévoir dans le dernier épisode ? When asked what the army is for, she says that she will reveal it in time. She then talks with members of the caravan and reveals she's been watching them and suggests they could all help each other. Virginia, commonly referred to as Ginny, is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear The Walking Dead. In The Walking Dead season 7, the people of Alexandria, the Kingdom, and the Hilltop were all living under the thumb of Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan and the Saviors, who killed many of their members and forced them to live in servitude. Virginia asserts that she doesn't want this for Lawton, which John agrees with, but still wants to investigate the death. Elle n'a eu aucun mal à s'imposer dans ce nouveau monde et à se hisser au sommet de la hiérarchie grâce à son talent pour facilement repérer ce que les gens peuvent offrir à sa communauté. Hair Ginny - nacida como Virginia - es una de los pocos sobrevivientes del apocalipsis zombie y la líder del grupo de los Colonos. Longtime Fear the Walking Dead fans may not be so surprised by Strand’s apparent turn. Fear the Walking Dead spoilers follow for season 6 episode 6.. Virginia offers John a strawberry sandwich, but he is unable to eat in due to his cavities. Al cuts in and asks if one of her settlements has helicopters, but Virginia asks where she got that crazy idea. She comes from a corporate climate where there is a clear chain of command. Gender Caucasian-American She says she hopes he dies before jumping into her jeep and driving away as a small herd approaches the defenseless Morgan. Les fans ont fait la rencontre de Virgina et on vous explique tout sur ce personnage. In season 6 episode 6, titled 'Bury Her Next to Jasper's Leg', June (Elfman) rushes to save as many people as she can following a massive explosion in the oil fields. Bonus Scene: Talking Dead: Episode 1005. added by Bibi69. She is unconvinced, reminding John that Janis tried to run during Cameron's funeral. By Nicholas Raymond Published Nov 15, 2020 Fear the Walking Dead season 6 wasted an opportunity for a perfect character death with Virginia (Colby Minifie). She congratulates John on a job well done, as they might have never caught Janis if she didn't take his advice and doubled the patrols. Arriveront-ils à la convaincre que la réponse n'est pas dans la mort ? Skip to main content John, in an effort to save Janis, plans to help release her overnight, telling Victor about his plan. Ha acknowledges how it looks, but wishes to investigate further, as he didn't even get to inspect the body. Later, John stand by Virginia as she sings his praises to the people of Lawton. Virginia tells him not to worry, however, as the letters prove he is devoted to the Pioneer way of life. Virginia then reprimands Victor for assaulting a ranger, and decrees that they will be assigned to a job that better suits their talents, pulling Alicia's sharpened gun mount out of the drawer. Zoe Colletti has nabbed a key role in ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ season 6. Sie ist nach Logans Tod … a true leader. The post-apocalyptic horror drama has been on hiatus since November 2020. Occupation However, Victor reveals the plan to Virginia before it can be carried out and Janis' execution is done prematurely. She points the gun at him again only to fire a blank. Fear the Walking Dead season finale recap: Forget the crossover, Morgan has a new calling By Nick Romano S4 E15 Recap Female A Walking Dead spin-off, set in Los Angeles, following two families who must band together to survive the undead apocalypse. Nothing is known about Virginia's life prior to or as the outbreak began, other than she was an efficiency expert that was hired to assess what was redundant in a company and eliminate jobs that weren't necessary. She also believes it to have been an accident, since she is familiar with Cameron's drinking habits. Season 6 of Fear the Walking Dead has heavily centered around how its main characters are struggling while living under the shadow of the corporate analyst from hell and dictator of … John, however, says that Janis denies the earrings are hers. En septembre 2013, la chaîne américaine AMC annonce qu'elle développe une série dérivée de The Walking Dead, suivant d'autres personnages créés par Robert Kirkman . Late 20s to Early 30s ginny. Fear the Walking Dead (TV Series 2015– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Virginia is unmoved, and hypothesizes that John has a personal interest in seeing Janis go free. Une vocation qu'elle a continué de poursuivre dans la saison 5 de Fear The Walking Dead. Strand mocks her, which leads Virginia to order her people to shoot their guns in the air so a nearby herd finds them. Virginia Will Likely Stick Around Fear the Walking Dead For A While During the Fear the Walking Dead panel at San Diego Comic-Con, showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian … Morgan asks her to take care of his people and not sacrifice any of them. Sometime later, as Morgan's group tries to cross a bridge, Virginia drives up and offers to help, explaining she's been following them and can't believe they used extra resources to help Grace. Morgan tells her she was wrong to say they didn't have a future. There was a moment in the latest episode of the AMC series where the show could have killed off the character. Family Virginia concedes to this, and promises to double the patrols until they can figure it out. Virginia allows this, but asks John to keep it quiet, as the people are only as safe as they believe to be. She urges John to go home and get some rest, and thinks his father would be proud of the work John has done. Fear has now entered a stretch of six episodes that could probably rival any six-episode run in ten seasons of The Walking Dead. HL spoke EXCLUSIVELY with Zoe about the dynamic between Dakota and Virginia … Nous le saurons bientôt. She is left shocked when Morgan answers, telling her that he is dead and she is dealing with somebody else now. Virginia tells Morgan he should speak to a psychologist on her community about losing his family. Pour elle les gens ont forcément besoin d'un leader et elle se plaît très bien dans ce rôle". Virginia then suggests she'll split them up in her settlements instead and Morgan agrees to let her help them. Il faut dire que Logan n'avait rien de bien marquant et que cette nouvelle méchante, charismatique et à l'air diabolique, l'a vite remplacé. Virginia is first heard on the radio contacting Emile Laroux. She reminds them to give her a holler if they need help and drives away. The cast and creators break down the mysterious group wreaking havoc on Virginia's world and their message of "The End Is the Beginning. Plus dure, plus brutale, plus obscure, Fear The Walking Dead explore encore un peu plus son côté noir et angoissant. "Pick up the walkie, channel 5," she tells the viewers. In praising him before the rest of the community, Virginia again hinted at another huge connection between Fear and the flagship Walking Dead series, by … It premiered on AMC and internationally in the summer of 2017. Outside, John is greeted by Dakota, but their conversation is interrupted by Virginia, who orders Dakota to get back into the house. Et les révélations qu'elle a faites sont plutôt intéressantes. "Leave What You Don't" She serves as the primary antagonist of the second half of Season 5 and the whole of Season 6. leave what toi don't. Fear the Walking Dead star Jenna Elfman has responded to the events of the latest dramatic episode, which saw Virginia at June's mercy.. La saison 5 de Fear The Walking Dead a une nouvelle big bad et il est temps d'en savoir plus sur elle. Virginia is a secondary and later main antagonist of the fifth and sixth season. Morgan asks about Janis and Virginia explains she took off shortly after Tom. Stepping out of Althea's SWAT vehicle, she approaches the box with Morgan's name labeled on it and opens it, though, to her surprise, she is greeted with Emile's severed head, laughing in reaction. When Victor points out there was nothing in the plant, Ginny explains that what she wanted wasn't in the plant after all, but was him all along, i.e. "Leave What You Don't" to Present Fear The Walking Dead saison 5 : Les fans en colère clashent les showrunners sur Twitter, Fear The Walking Dead saison 5 : Episode 14 ce soir, Morgan dévoile son passé à Althea, Fear The Walking Dead saison 5 : Episode 14, Morgan et Althea font équipe dans la vidéo promo. With Kim Dickens, Frank Dillane, Cliff Curtis, Rubén Blades. In Sunday’s Fear the Walking Dead, Strand did what Virginia believed was impossible, in so doing earning himself a reward that looked an awful lot like a punishment. Virginia is seen toward the end arriving at a roadblock of corpses. Et malgré ses méthodes, l'aide aux survivants reste l'objectif principal de Virginia. Alive Read on, and I’ll explain why. season 5. Una ex experta en eficiencia, cuya filosofía hacia la construcción de un nuevo futuro es la antítesis de a la filosofia de Morgan. Later, she is seen with her group at the warehouse after being told her sister, Dakota was there. fear the walking dead. Virginia insists what she is doing will keep more people alive and tells Morgan's group they can join her if they want, but no one steps forward. Fear The Walking Dead’s season 6B is teasing a massive showdown between Morgan and Virginia’s squads as the survivors have their loyalties tested.. The leader of the pioneers, the character is also known as Ginny. In Fear the Walking Dead season 6, Virginia is implementing Negan’s plan better than he did. In the present, Virginia and her pioneers grow impatient of Logan's efforts to obtain control of the oil rigs and she decides to kill them. Sometime later, Virginia and her pioneers arrive in a SWAT truck-leading caravan.
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