var zflag_nid="3365"; var zflag_cid="89"; var zflag_sid="38"; var zflag_width="728"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="14"; Here you find the school holidays of the elementary school. As well as cultural, sporting and culinary highlights, visitors can look forward to theatre, readings, guided tours, cooking festivals, wine-tasting and music covering all genres. Download in Excel. One of the most scenic and memorable rides is the 59km Drei Länder Tour (Three Countries Tour), which leads from Vaduz to the medieval town of Feldkirch in Austria. Liechtenstein - Akciók Last Minute Kedvezmények 15-45%. No guarantee for the correctness of the data. Den Kalender für ein anderes Jahr oder ein anderes Land können Sie rechts oben auswählen. If you find data, that are missing here, would you please inform us. The Princely House of Liechtenstein is one of the oldest noble families. Diese Seite enthält einen nationalen Kalender aller 2021 Feiertage in … is a web app for the calculation of working hours, dates and deadlines, based on data from More. Erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die gesetzlichen Feiertage im Fürstentum Liechtenstein und planen Sie Ihr Freizeit- und Ferienprogramm. Select in the upper right corner to call up the calendar for another year or another country. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. For common needs such as planning, organisation, optimisation of business processes and employee assignments, we manufacture standardised products which can be purchased at our online store. Kalender Liechtenstein 2021, Feiertage. Publishing schedule 2021. Errors excepted. Kalender Liechtenstein 2020/2021/2022, Feiertage. It commemorates two events recorded in the Bible: the three wise men’s visit to baby Jesus; and Jesus’ baptism. Dazu Gedenktage, Ruhetage, religiöse Feste, Nationalfeiertag, Ferien sowie landesweite und regionale Bräuche. The route then heads on to Illspitz … Errors excepted. Here you will find a quick overview of the public holidays 2021 in Liechtenstein. We also have monthly calendars with holidays available in the following countries: Same-sex couples have had access to registered partnerships since 2011, and discrimination on the … DE EN 0. I agree. Please let us know. Liechtenstein (hivatalosan Liechtensteini Hercegség vagy Liechtensteini Fejedelemség, németül: Fürstentum Liechtenstein, alemannul: Liachtaschta, vagy Förschtatum Liachtaschta) európai monarchia Ausztria és Svájc között, a Rajna völgyében. Please check at least one of the boxes. Sa 01/02/2021. We diligently research and continuously update our holiday dates and information. If you find a mistake, please let us know. Liechtenstein Tourism: Tripadvisor has 9,872 reviews of Liechtenstein Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Liechtenstein resource. 3 °C Buchen. For special requirements, we use REST-API Web Services, or prepare data individually according to customer specifications. The Liechtenstein 2021 calendar is printable, customizable, and free to download. Monthly Calendars. A detailed list of all holidays can be found here: Holidays Liechtenstein 2021. Liechtenstein National Day: National holiday: 2021: Sun: Aug 15: Liechtenstein National Day: National holiday: 2022: Mon: Aug 15: Liechtenstein National Day: National holiday: 2023: Tue: Aug 15: Liechtenstein National Day: National holiday: 2024: Thu: Aug 15: Liechtenstein National Day: National holiday: 2025: Fri: Aug 15: … April 2021: Ostern; Montag, 5. © Time and Date AS 1995–2020. Publishing schedule 2020. English. New Year's Day. März 2021; 19.03.2021: Fr: St. Josef: 11: 4: 28.03.2021: So: Palmsonntag: 12: 5: 28.03.2021: So: Sommerzeit Beginn: 12: 5: April 2021; 02.04.2021: Fr: Karfreitag: 13: 4: 04.04.2021: So: Ostern: 13: 4: 05.04.2021: Mo: Ostermontag: 14: 1: Mai 2021; 01.05.2021: Sa: Tag der Arbeit: 17: 1: 09.05.2021: So: Muttertag: 18: 5: … From down in the valley to 1600 metres above sea level, Liechtenstein is home to many different events throughout the year. Calendar Liechtenstein 2020/2022, Holidays. Gesetzliche Feiertage 2021 in Liechtenstein. Alle Feiertage 2021 in Österreich Neujahr Heilige Drei Könige Ostermontag Staatsfeiertag Christi Himmelfahrt Pfingstmontag Fronleichnam Mariä Himmelfahrt Nationalfeiertag Allerheiligen Mariä Empfängnis Weihnachten Stephanstag. Our free monthly calendar 2019 templates are printable in PDF, Excel, and Word. Various companies, universities and applications are now working with our long-term data. Holidays, which are given from Monday-Friday, also include the weekends before and after.). Juni 2021: Fronleichnam; Sonntag, 15. Januar 2021: Neujahr / Neujahr, ein landesweiter Feiertag. Og så kan en flaske vin med Liechtenstein-etikette jo være en fin souvenir at tage med hjem efter besøget og vinsmagningen. The ASCI benchmark non-publication dates 2020 (Excel) Publishing schedule 2019. Fr 01/01/2021. Liechtenstein se află în valea Rinului Superior din Alpii europeni și se învecinează la est cu Austria și la sud și vest cu Elveția.Toată frontiera vestică a Liechtensteinului este formată de Rin. Mai 2021: Auffahrt; Sonntag, 23. Did the year 2020 mark the beginning of a new decade, or do we have to wait until 2021 to celebrate the beginning of the twenties? Music plays an important role in the yearly festivals, but so does cuisine, dance and history. The principality is a semi-constitutional monarchy headed by the Prince of Liechtenstein… Liechtenstein's location on the border to Austria and Switzerland makes it easy to pedal across borders by bike in a day. Learn more From Eschnerberg to the gentle slopes near Gutenberg Castle in the south, Liechtenstein's favourable climate means that it is a haven for expert winegrowers. This site uses cookies. Liechtenstein is not a country but a principality and as such operates an as independent state which sits sandwiched between neighboring Austria and Switzerland. Wählen Sie oben rechts aus um den Kalender für ein anderes Jahr oder ein anderes Land aufzurufen. Mai 2021: Pfingsten; Montag, 24. That's because you didn't select any holiday types. Se mere på Landet har også et skimuseum og postmuseet på Städtle 37 har også ski-motiver på flere af sine små kunstværker, der dagligt henrykker mange. Use our Interactive Meteor Shower Sky Map to find the shooting stars in your night sky. For more detailed information on individual holidays, please click on the relevant holiday in the table. 2 April 2021 moveable: Easter: Ostern: 12 April 2020 4 April 2021 moveable: Easter Monday: Ostermontag: 13 April 2020 5 April 2021 1 May: Labour Day: Tag der Arbeit: moveable: Ascension Day: Auffahrt: 21 May 2020 13 May 2021 moveable: Whit Sunday: Pfingsten: 31 May 2020 23 May 2021 moveable: Whit Monday: Pfingstmontag: 1 June 2020 24 May 2021 … No guarantee for the correctness of the data. The Third or Last Quarter Moon is when the opposite half of the Moon is illuminated compared to the First Quarter. The entire state is only 160 square kilometers and has 35,000 residents but what it lacks in size it makes up for in beautiful scenery and some quaint … 1052 Budapest, Károly körút 6. Maassa toimii yksikamarinen parlamentti (), jossa on 25 kansan valitsemaa edustajaa.Ruhtinas nimittää vaalien jälkeen maan … Year 2020 Calendar - Liechtenstein Year 2021 Calendar - Liechtenstein Year 2022 Calendar - Liechtenstein. You have found an error? Publishing schedule 2021. The Quadrantid meteor shower is active now. Kis mérete ellenére nagy nemzetközi hírnévnek örvend, mivel az … MENU. Liechtenstein on valtiomuodoltaan perustuslaillinen monarkia, jonka valtionpäämies on perinnöllinen ruhtinas.Ruhtinas Franz Josef II:n kuolemasta vuonna 1989 lähtien ruhtinaana on toiminut Hans Adam II. The ASCI benchmark non-publication dates 2021 (Excel) Publishing schedule 2020. Liechtenstein er en dobbelt-indlandsstat i Europa, der er omkranset af de schweiziske kantoner St. Gallen mod vest og Graubünden mod syd samt det østrigske forbundsland Vorarlberg mod øst. Same-sex sexual activity has been legal since 1989, with an equal age of consent since 2001. Below you will find calendar files to download and print. The Liechtenstein Trail is a 75 km walking path passing through all 11 of the country's municipalities. Alle Daten in dieser Liste: Gesetzliche & regionale Feiertage 2021 Nationalfeiertag Gedenk- und Festtage Der nächste Feiertag in Liechtenstein im Jahr 2021 ist am 1. April 2021: Ostermontag; Samstag, 1. Liechtenstein is a small country with many faces, situated between the Rhine and towering mountain peaks. Unten finden Sie Kalenderdateien zum Download und Ausdrucken im PDF- und PNG-Format. August 2021: Liecht. has researched and published holidays and vacations since 2003. 06.01.2021: We: Christmas holidays: 01.02.2021: Mo: to: 02.02.2021: Tu: Maria Lichtmesse: 13.02.2021: Sa: to: 21.02.2021: Su: Sport holiday: 19.03.2021: Fr: … Feiertage Liechtenstein 2021. The nation stops for its annual Liechtenstein holiday- National Day on August 15, with plenty of festivities and fireworks throughout the land. (Astoria) Tel. To verify the data, please use the source link. Princely House steeped in tradition. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Liechtenstein enjoy many, but not all, of the same rights as non-LGBT people. Epiphany is a Christian holiday celebrated globally on January 6 each year. (We publish the data the same as the source information. Mai 2021: Tag der Arbeit; Donnerstag, 13. psc Peter Schütz Informatik Dienstleistungen, CH-Bern. Store dele af grænsestrækningen mod Schweiz forløber langs Rhinen.Den sydlige og østlige grænse er præget af bjergkæden Rätikon i Alperne.Udover Usbekistan er Liechtenstein … Cel mai înalt vârf, Grauspitz, are 2599 m.Deși se află în Alpi, vânturile dinspre sud fac ca clima … Aktueller Kalender für Liechtenstein mit Kalenderwochen und allen Feiertagen. All collected data is publicly available for free. The Microsoft Excel and Word versions of the calendar can be edited in a desktop, laptop, or any device; while the Adobe PDF version is the recommended choice when you are looking to print the year calendar with holidays. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Liechtenstein (/ ˈ l ɪ k t ən s t aɪ n / LIK-tən-styne; German: [ˈlɪçtn̩ʃtaɪn]), officially the Principality of Liechtenstein (German: Fürstentum Liechtenstein), is a German-speaking microstate situated in the Alps and in the southwest of Central Europe. Mai 2021: Pfingstmontag; Donnerstag, 3. Liechtenstein National Day: National holiday: Sep 8: Wednesday: Nativity of Our Lady: National holiday: Sep 22: Wednesday: September Equinox: Season: Oct 31: … Further information: Privacy Policy Download in Excel. DE. Liechtenstein is home to some of Europe’s most illustrious celebrations. Jahreskalender 2021 mit Kalenderwochen und den Feiertagen für Liechtenstein. Current calendar for Liechtenstein with calendar weeks and all public holidays. It is always specified the first and last vacation day. September 2021: … No holidays shown? Privacy & Terms. Buchen Unser Land ... des Fürstentums Liechtenstein 2021 ©Liechtenstein Marketing. 0. Măsurată de la sud la nord, țara are circa 24 km. : +36 1 800 9250. Staatsfeiertag; Mittwoch, 8. 16 February 2021 19 March: Saint Joseph's Day: Josefstag: moveable: Good Friday: Karfreitag: 10 April 2020 2 April 2021 moveable: Easter: Ostern: 12 April 2020 4 April 2021 moveable: Easter Monday: Ostermontag: 13 April 2020 5 April 2021 1 May: Labour Day: Tag der Arbeit: moveable: Ascension Day: Auffahrt: 21 May 2020 13 … Prince Hans-Adam II became Reigning Prince in 1989. Repülőjegy: +36 1 800 9255