Deși păreau cuplul perfect, mai ales că erau și părinții unei fetițe adorabile, cei doi au hotărât să divorțeze. Pentru că au crezut în relația lor, cei doi au devenit imediat părinți. The book presents the evolution of the theory concerning human capital and endogenous economic growth. Dj Sava, Raluka si Connect-R sunt la a patra colaborare. In a translog production function, the number of parameters practically ”explodes” as the number of considered production factors increases. With the 6 th edition, we decided to change things up a bit by asking those same institutions to create their own resources, and share them, so that we can all learn from each other. Începem prin a vă spune că nu este vorba despre cel mai bun prieten al celebrului cântăreț, Pavel Bartoș, ci despre Adrian Sârbu, un alt bun prieten al artistului, dar mai ales, mentorul său. Under the conditions of OLS use in order to perform multiple linear regressions, both the estimated parameters values and also computed values of some statistical tests such as coefficient of determination, Fisher test or Student test are influenced by collinearity1. „Proiectul 6 – Economia si Calitatea Vietii”, Analiza situatiei existente a Romaniei in domeniul economiei (p.235-263) (Project no. Cost: ZAR 16 500, Graphic Design Emaa - Zburatorul (3:21) 15. Being freely available online lowers the barrier to education for students, and this makes us very happy. Besides being fully updated with new stats and international case studies, all the content has been critically reviewed by industry experts and adapted to include the latest trends and developments. Un preparat extrem de simplu, cu care Connect-R s-a prezentat la Chefi la cuțite cu intenția de a-i impresiona pe jurați și să obțină chiar cuțitul de aur. Cum se prepara Preîncălzește cuptorul la 180 C. Tapetează o tavă încăpătoare cu hârtie de copt. ROLUL POLITICILOR PUBLICE ȘI REZILIENȚA PIEȚEI MUNCII ÎN CONTEXTUL ADAPTĂRII MEDIULUI DE AFACERI, A new approach to the estimation of the total factor productivity dynamics and of the rate of disembodied technical change in the context of cobb-douglas production function with constant returns to scale, PARTENERIAT INSTITUŢIONAL PENTRU INCLUZIUNE SOCIALĂ LOCALĂ A PERSOANELOR VULNERABILE, PRIN EDUCAȚIE ȘI OCUPARE. It is with great excitement and pride that we launch the 6th Edition of our digital marketing textbook, eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital world, and celebrate its 10th anniversary. This paper deals with the consequences of the extension of the number of markets that are taken into consideration in a non-Walrasian equilibrium model. As examples can be cited: Cobb-Douglas production function with three inputs (capital, labour and disembodied technical change), Kmenta function used for approximation of CES production function parameters, error-correction models, etc. Dayana - As Fi Vrut Sa Fii Aici (2:31) 10. This chapter focuses on opportunities offered by definition and implementation of the concept of Quasi-Solow balanced economic growth for the long-term forecast of dynamics and structure of gross domestic product (GDP). It is widely accepted that forests offer many important benefits, such as providing natural habitats for animal species or helping to diminish the greenhouse effect by storing carbon emissions. Including masterclasses with industry experts to bring the theory to life. I, Ch. The evaluation is made both on demand side and on supply side. „Proiectul 6 – Economia si Calitatea Vietii”, Tinte privind eficienta macroeconomica si stabilitatea financiara a Romaniei, in perioada 2018-20135 (p.250-283) (Project no. Connect-R feat. Dirty Flix - Riley Star - Big Dick For Younger Stepsis by seriouscash. Due to our privacy policy, only current members can send messages to people on ResearchGate. Thank you, sincerely. Enter & enjoy it now! Ava Dalush 7 Alessio - Langa tine (Originala 2021) The paper deals with the problems of development of tertiary education during the last decade and the perspective in the second decade of the 21-st century. Nasii cuplului au fost Pepe si Raluca. Mai exact, cine va fi cel sau cea care o va boteza pe fiica lui Smiley și a Ginei Pistol. Florin Marius does research in Econometrics, Development Economics and Economic History. DOE Registration No. Evaluări ale gradului de pregătire a firmelor româneşti în vederea integrării în Uniunea Europeană, Carte FMPavelescu Ciclurile economice, evolutia demografica si functionarea sistemului sanitar in Romaniia in perioada 1859-1999, Coperta Pavelescu - Ciclurile economice 2016.pdf, EFECTELE PANDEMIEI SARS COV 2 ASUPRA OCUPĂRII. We’ve got proof that this course has changed careers. Interacțiunile din societate, între stakeholderii locali sunt deopotrivă de natura preventivă ș... Collinearity occurs in any estimation of the parameters of multiple linear regressions, regardless of the estimation method used. This online SETA accredited NQF 5 qualification will teach you the fundamentals of the marketing discipline and how to develop and implement successful Digital Marketing strategies. The Mood x Theo Rose x JO x Cleopatra Stratan x Alexandra Ungureanu x Alessandra x Raluca Diaconu - O MIE DE STELE 2021 Theo Rose Whats UP - Vreau Acasa (Original Radio Edit) ... ACCEPTATI AUTOMAT TERMENII SI CONDITIILE DE UTILIZARE A SITE-ULUI. Guvernul a adoptat proiectul de lege privind acordarea ajutorului pentru încălzire și suplimentul pentru energie. Dj Sava feat Raluka si Connect-R – Aroma. Using some special models, this study tries to quantify the size of underground economy in Romania. Florin Marius Pavelescu currently works at the Department of Economic Theory and history, Institute of National Economy of Romanian Academy in Bucharest. supervisor, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, The Institute of National Economy, Bucharest, Romania, Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE), Studiul nr. Master all the aspects of Digital Marketing and get an in-depth proficiency and career boost with our 14-week Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing. Duration: 10 weeks Dj Sava feat Raluka si Connect-R – Aroma. 97 Durham Avenue, Salt River, Cape Town, South Africa 7925
Potrivit ministrului Muncii, Raluca Turcan, prevederile propuse în proiect extind atât formele de sprijin acordate de stat, nivelul de […] 27 martie 2021; Retro VIP. Check out our range of Digital Marketing courses that bring the textbook to life with up-to-date content, video lectures, discussion forums, and Red & Yellow’s uniquely human touch. Learn how to strategise, analyse, create and implement strategies and campaigns, using a variety of tools and best practices. Connect-R deschide sezonul 2 al emisiunii „1, 2, 3 și afli tot ce vrei”, la TVR 1. Chairman of Red & Yellow, and the brain behind the initiative. Raluca Turcan: ‘În România sunt 9 500 de beneficiari de pensii de serviciu cu o pensie medie de 9 600 de lei, existând o diferență uriașă între ce se plătește pe contributivitate și ce vine de la bugetul stat’ O necesara corectie a metodologiei de calcul standard, Underground economy quantitative models. Agenţiile de plasare a forţei de muncă în străinătate vor fi obligate să asigure transportul grupurilor de lucrători români la destinație, potrivit ministrului Muncii şi Protecţiei Sociale, Raluca Turcan. Magnetic hyperthermia (MH) was used to treat a murine model of pancreatic cancer. Constructia si dezvoltarea infrastructurii specifice IMM-urilor, O reinterpretare a metodologiei standard de estimare a parametrilor modelului de regresie liniara, FEATURES OF THE ORDINARY LEAST SQUARE (OLS) METHOD. With the 6th edition, we decided to change things up a bit by asking those same institutions to create their own resources, and share them, so that we can all learn from each other. 192 vizualizari. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the correlation between the gross capital formation and the gross domestic product in countries of the European Union in 2007, during the period 1999-2006. This enables companies to adapt quickly to the pace of the technological change, in order to increase competitiveness. Se topea de dorul nepoților săi. In case of a Cobb-Douglas production function, the feasible estimation of return to scale is restricted both by the type of output growth and by the type of collinearity which occur during the estimation process. All rights reserved. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. The real heroes are the incredible Red & Yellow team who have put so much love and care into this book. It’s available as a free download to all under a Creative Commons License, which has led to its use in literally thousands of educational institutions around the world. In this paper, having in view the hypothesis that the synthetic indicator of accumulation regime is the gross capital formation/GDP ratio, an improved analysis methodology of correlation between the above-mentioned indicators is proposed. Tortul săracului. Raluka Aroma (Live Sala Palatului) doar pe Stefan Mihalache, pe numele de scena Connect-R, s-a nascut pe 9 iunie 1982 in Bucuresti. Sorry, you need to be a researcher to join ResearchGate. Conform datelor emise în aceasta luna de Directia Regim Permise de Conducere si Înmatriculare a Vehiculelor (D.R.P.C.I.V), în anul 2019 Ford a înmatriculat 16.168 de unitati. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Our 6th edition is a big evolution from its predecessor. The paper reveals that during the last three decades, the expanding use of information technologies and globalization of economic processes have had important consequences for the labour market operation at national and world level. In comparison with the European Union as a whole, Romania presents important differences concerning the main employment indicators. In return for our commitment to making education accessible and available, all we ask is that you tell us how our textbook has made a difference in your life or added value to your students. Strategia de dezvoltare a Romaniei in urmatorii 20 de ani, 2016-2035 VOLUMUL II (The development strategy of Romania in the next 20 years), Vol.II, Ch.
You won't regret it! The book reviews the evolution of the European Social Model and necessary changes of Romania”s social in the context of integration in the European Union. Atat de buni incat isi doresc sa devina si rude prin alianta. Adaugat pe 28 Martie 2021 in categoria Manele. Educator Resources. Transform yourself into a Digital Marketing professional in just 1 year. Ea a ținut să se pozeze cu starul pentru a dovedi că îl sprijină. We put loads of time, love and energy into this textbook, so feedback about how it’s helped change lives makes it all worth it. It is reviewed the initial content of the theory of non-Walrasian equilibrium and emphasizes the main modelling factors of the respective equilibrium. Duration: 14 weeks De Raluca Alexe.Publicat pe 10.03.2021 la 00:36 Actualizat pe 10.03.2021 la 00:37 Gina Pistol este una dintre vedetele foarte iubite de români, iar numele său este des pronunțat de susținătorii ei. Lauren Phillips Is A Bully Saf 2 by cinemalord81. Some applications to Romania’s case, Consideratii privind eficienta adaugării unei noi variabile explicative intr-un model de regresie liniara, Adapting Labour Market Institutions to the New Economy Challenges, Research Project of the Institute of National Economy, CERES 5, Competitivitatea agenților economici din industria prelucrătoare românească din perspectiva integrării în Uniunea Europeană, CERES %, Competitivitatea agenților economici din industria prelucrătoare românească din perspectiva integrării în Uniunea Europeană, Department of Statistics and Econometrics. Radio Gold FM a fost înființat în București în anul 2008, inițial sub numele de “Radio Total”, un post de radio ce satisface plăcerea de muzică oldies. When you upgrade to Crunchbase Pro, you can access unlimited search results, save to custom lists or to Salesforce, and get notified when … Retro VIP; Ştefan Sileanu, pictor și actor. Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your scientific community. A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. Este artist și actor, cântă hip hop, dance și pop de etnie romă. In econometric models, linear regressions with three explanatory variables are widely used. Criss Blaziny Feat. In this context, new concepts like "flexsecurity" have been developed and implemented in the European Union and some... Institute of National Economy Bucharest Romania, Prize Victor Slavescu of Romanian Academy. She spent her childhood and adolescence in Utah and Las Vegas, where she finished high school. Kratom, Mitragyna speciosa Korth., is being widely consumed in the United States for pain management and the reduction of opioid withdrawal symptoms. ”Mama modei românești” a lucrat ca model din liceu. Versuri: Si sunt vise interzise Unde te gasesc cum imi doresc Si sunt vise mult prea triste Caci ma trezesc langa ce … You'll love the value it adds to your life but if your inbox doesn't agree, you can unsubscribe at any time. 07. Ellie White - Flori de Mai (3:24) 14. Pentru fiica lui. From a more subjective perspective, forests serve a... An almost unanimously accepted issue is that the path to competitiveness of economies, whose companies are exposed to international competition, goes through innovation. Cei doi artisti au devenit parinti pe 25 ianuarie 2014. Chiar dacă au declarat, în repetate rânduri, că nu mai există nicio cale de împăcare, Connect-R si Misha au ajuns la un numitor comun – fetița lor. Descarca gratuit Connect-R feat. Rețeta din 4 ingrediente cu care Connect-R a impresionat juriul de la Chefi la cuțite Desert rapid cu lămâie și cremă de brânză. This paper reviews the conceptual-theoretical framework related to the analysis of the savings-investments relationship in an open economy and reveals the main trends of the respective relationship in the consolidated market economies and emerging countries during the second part of the 20-th century and first decade of the 21-st century. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE ESTIMATION METHODOLOGY, CIRCULAŢIA FORŢEI DE MUNCĂ-SCENARII, POSIBILE EVOLUŢII, 1. Naşii cuplului au fost celebra familie Pepe și Raluca Pastramă. Their most recent publication is 'A new approach to the estimation of the total factor productivity dynamics and of the rate of disembodied technical change in the context of cobb-douglas production function with constant returns to scale'. Alexia R. Hinton & Associates Publishing Group - Alexia R. Vincent —WDS Alexia R., conseillère Kobold - Alexia RUTY moda íntima Alexia Rabelo - Alexia Rabouin Bouchard Radu Gi - Cand ma strigi (Originala 2021) NOUA. Mesaj emoționant de 8 Martie din partea lui Connect-R. Deși sunt despărțiți de mai bine de cinci ani, Connect-R și Misha au rămas în relații apropiate, de dragul fetiței lor, Maya. În consecință, orice compromis este posibil, iar cei doi fac totul pentru micuța să se simtă cât mai bine. In the past, we provided educator resources for the many academic institutions that use our textbook. Retine: VitanCLub este un portal de muzica online unde oricine poate posta link-uri catre fisiere mp3, link-uri de pe youtube, soundcloud,zippyshare, etc. In the beginning of the chapter, a series of theoretical issues and quantitative models related to technical change are reviewed. 779 8h ago 100% 23:09. Forests are associated with helping to reduce flooding and represent the main source of wooden material. McGraw-Hill's "Connect" is a web-based assignment and assessment platform that helps you connect your students to their coursework and to success beyond the course. 147 vizualizari. Adaugat pe 28 Martie 2021 in categoria Petrecere. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. The ordinary least square method (OLS) is frequently used for the parameters estimation of different functional relationships. In many cases, the estimation of the parameters of CES production function is made with the help of Kmenta method. Head Office & the only campus for fulltime programmes
by M-O-N-S-T-E-R. 1,365 7h ago 100% 47:45. Însă nu mulți stiu care este, de fapt, numele său real, scris în buletin. Note, I didn’t say “best-selling”. A New Approach, Coperta F M Pavelescu - Evolutia cadrului insitutional al Educatiei in Romania.pdf, EVOLUȚIA CADRULUI INSTITUȚIONAL ȘI DINAMICA SISTEMULUI EDUCAȚIONAL AL ROMÂNIEI ÎN SECOLUL AL XX-LEA, F M Pavelescu (coord.) Doddy - Fantezii (3:30) 11. Simply click the “I want it!” button below, give us your details and in a few days, you’ll be the proud owner of this incredible digital marketing resource. On the demand side we take into account the gross capital formation dynamics and structure a... Having in view the fact foreign direct investments represent a factor that stimulates host-country economic development, not only due to direct effects but also due to propagation effects, in this paper are revealed the factors determing the features of linkages between transnational corporates affiliates and indigenous firms. Having in view a series of properties revealed by the author, this paper presents the factors that determine the size of the estimated parameters and coefficients of determination, and also the calculated values of the Fish... Principalele obiective urmarite in studiu sunt următoarele: This paper shows that dynamics of fixed capital productivity at macroeconomic level is related to changes in the indicators and relationships which are fundamental to the economic stability (index of gross fixed capital formation, consumption-fixed capital accumulation relationship, and external equilibrium). This highly sought-after accredited NQF 7 qualification puts graduates at the top of the Digital Marketing game, opening doors to career-advancing opportunities. May this textbook play a role in building amazing careers. : 2005/HE07/002, Reading the T’s and C’s: Empowering yourself as a digital citizen, The connection between creative thinking, practical output and theory. *by submitting this form, you agree to let us send you our weekly newsletter. Early life. "Mi-as dori sa fac nunta chiar de ziua mea, pe 20 iulie. The value inherent in crowdsourcing and sharing knowledge from around the globe takes the value of the textbook to another level. By VersACE On Sep 21, 2013. "Aer" se numește cel mai nou single ce va fi lansat de duo-ul de succes Dj Sava si Raluka, unde invitat este Connect-R. Cei trei au mai colaborat și la hit-ul "Aroma", care a ținut poziții fruntașe în mai toate topurile de specialitate de la noi din țară. CERCETARE MULTIDISCIPLINARĂ ASUPRA COMUNITĂȚILOR MULTIETNICE DIN MEDIUL RURAL, Strategia de dezvoltare a Romaniei in urmatorii 20 de ani, 2016-2035 VOLUMUL II (The development strategy of Romania in the next 20 years), Vol.II, Ch. „Pregătim, la Ministerul Muncii, un proiect de modificare a Legii privind protecţia cetăţenilor români care lucrează în străinătate, lege adoptată în anul 2000. 1,187 7h ago 100% 10:25. University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers, Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO employees in scientific roles, Health care professionals, including clinical researchers, Journalists, citizen scientists, or anyone interested in reading and discovering research. Ascultă Live Radio Gold Fm. Delivered completely online, you’ll get the knowledge and practical skills to stay ahead of the game. Get one punchy, career-boosting uniquely human skill every Tuesday. Antonia also began her modeling career in the United States, working alongside agencies such as Ford and Lenz. Acum, că Gina Pistol a născut, întrebarea care stă pe buzele tuturor este legată de botezul micuței. In this context, it is also possible to define the type of economic growth depending on the parameters of the above-mentioned production function. Digital Marketing Dony, Otilia Si Erika Isac - Peaches And Cream (3:02) 12. Therefore, firstly, it is analysed the evolution of the number of students and their distribution within specialization fields in European Union. Naşii cuplului sunt Pepe şi Raluca. Dincolo de surpriza de care au avut parte cei trei chefi, rețeta pe care el … 29 martie 2021; Retro VIP; Zina Dumitrescu, o viață de poveste. a) stabilirea relevanţei demoeconomice, educativ-formative şi sociale a circulaţiei forţei de muncă în perioada de preaderare şi imediat după integrare. Bia Si Betty Blue - Amandoua (3:16) 08. Fiica lor poarta numele Maya. El este actor si artist de hip hop, dance si pop de etnie roma. The article considers a new approach to the significance of the estimated parameters of the Cobb-Douglas production, having in view the algebraical properties of the OLS method. Legea intră în vigoare la 1 septembrie 2022. In the last decades, as a result of large scale restructuring of production devices, but also due to the expansion of competitive mechanisms, non-manual professions have significantly increased their weight in total employed population. While my name is on the cover, my role has been one of project champion. Connect-R si Misha au ales să plece împreună în concediu, alegând o destinație de poveste, Zanzibar. Because we’re passionate about making educational resources more accessible, you are now able to download a full copy of the textbook as a pdf. The central nervous system (CNS) active alkaloids of kratom, including mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, and numerous additional compounds, are believed to derive their effects through opioid receptor activity. Romanian singer Alexandra Stan has released four studio albums, a reissue album, two extended plays, one compilation album, two video albums, two remix albums, 41 singles (including 15 as a featured artist) and five promotional singles.Stan's career began in 2009, when music producers Marcel Prodan and Andrei Nemirschi heard her singing at a karaoke bar and signed her to their label, Maan Studio. Connect-r Si Bruja - Cantareti De Karaoke (3:44) 09. 6 –The Economy and the Quality of life), Definition and identification of the types of collinearity in multiple linear regressions in the context of OLS estimations, Impact of Collinearity on Estimated Parameters of CES Production Function, The Influence of the Forest on the Population Health, Innovation and Competitiveness in European Context, Considerations on the Correlation Between Student Test Statistics in Cases of Simple and Multiple Linear Regressions, Long term forecast of GDP in the context of Quasi-Solow balanced economic growth, Strategia de dezvoltare a Romaniei in urmatorii 20 de ani, 2016-2035, VOLUMUL I (The development strategy of Romania in the next 20 years), Vol. Artistul și-a impresionat fanii cu un mesaj de apreciere pe care l-a transmis către fosta soție. Fisierul este adaugat in categoria romaneasca si se poate descarca in format mp3. Let us know if you want to contribute to, or access this shared resource. The paper brings arguments in favour of the idea that Student test statistics may not be considered only in comparison with the critical (tabelled) values in order to determine the significance of estimated parameters. Modemul FordPass Connect este acum disponibil în echiparea standar (...) Citeste in continuare. Stefan Mihalache, pe numele de scena Connect-R, s-a nascut pe 9 iunie 1982 in Bucuresti. Într-un bol se pune crema de brânză, zahărul, coaja de lămâie și zeama de lămâie, după gust. Get a deeper understanding of Digital Marketing and the ability to practically implement what you learn with South Africa’s most popular 10-week flagship Digital Marketing course. Daca in 2010 au lansat hitul “I like (The Trumpet) si in 2011 hitul “Love You”, in 2013 au revenit cu prima piesa cu versuri in limba romana, iar povestea continua cu cel mai recent single “Aer”, ce promite sa se ridice la nivelul primelor hituri si sa cucereasca topurile muzicale. Frumoasa cântăreață s-a căsătorit civil cu Connect-R pe 24 iulie 2013, iar în septembrie, 2014, ei și-au jurat credință și iubire în fața Lui Dumnezeu. IMPACT OF COLLINEARITY ON THE ESTIMATED PARAMETERS AND CLASSICAL STATISTICAL TESTS VALUES OF MULTIFACTORIAL LINEAR REGRESSIONS IN CONDITIONS OF O.L.S. The has five chapters which discuss: the relaunch of the economic activity and the performances of the firms in Romania during the early 2000s, the stage of preparedness of the firms from Central and Eastern Europe for the integration in the European Union, the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the economic environment of Romania in... Lucrarea reprezinta un studiu preliminar, realizat la nici doua luni de la instaurarea starii de urgenta in Romania si la cca 6 luni de la primele cazuri anuntate in China. The book reviews the evolution of the institutional framework of the educational system, on the hand, on the dynamics of the main indicators of the above-mentioned system, on the other hand, in Romania, during the XX-the century. Oana Raluca si Coco de la Slatina - Ce mai barbat mi am luat NOUA. Dj Sava feat Raluka si Connect-R cu piesa Aroma | Versuri . +27 872 273 283 | email, New campus address in JHB to be announced soon, © 2021 Red & Yellow Creative School of Business, Red & Yellow Creative School of Business (Pty) Ltd. is registered as a private higher education institution in terms of section 54(1)(C) of Higher Education Act, 1997. By algebraical properties of OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) estimation method, the author demonstrates that the standard Cobb-Douglas production function (with constant returns to scale) may be seen as a productivity funct... Mediul social actual și interacțiunea tot mai puternică dintre componentele societății fac necesară abordarea problemelor din perspectivă complexă, interdisciplinară, în spatii geografice deschise, din punct de vedere politic, social, economic, cultural. Ehna - Nia Nia (2:47) 13. Dar pentru ca acest lucru sa devina posibil, Pepe va trebuie sa ajunga si el in biserica, in rol de ginerica, inaintea "finului". O măsură nouă este acordarea pe tot parcursul anului a suplimentului pentru energie. Free Porn and XXX sex videos on the Porn paradise Cumlouder: sex and pussy videos to download or to watch on streaming. Scientific researcher degree 1, PhD Supervisor. Cost: ZAR 16 500. Nasii cuplului au fost Pepe si Raluca. Ştefan Mihalache – pe numele de scenă Connect-R – s-a născut pe 9 iunie 1982, în București. În teaser-ul videoclipului pentru piesa "Aer", Raluka și Connect-R joacă rolul unui cuplu între care există mai multe tensiuni. A brief assessment of economic circumstances and the institutional background in Romania relevant for assisting disadvantaged groups, Factorii determinanti ai valorii testului Student aplicat unei regresii liniare. You Have To Let Me Go My Famous Boyfriend Play For The Nba by Kittie109. El este actor si artist de hip hop, dance si pop de etnie roma. Since its humble launch in 2008, this little book (which is no longer ‘so little’) has become the most widely-used digital marketing textbook on the planet. 6 –The Economy and the Quality of life), Methodological Considerations Regarding the Estimated Returns to Scale in Case of Cobb-douglas Production Function, Perspectives of the Quantitative and Structural Evolution of Tertiary Education in Romania, Dynamics of fixed capital productivity and the macroeconomic equilibrium, Interdendenta dintre tipul de colinearitate si valorile calculate ale testului Student in cazul unei regresii lineare cu doua variabile explicative, Methodological implications of the of extension of the number of considered markets in a non-Walrasian equilibrium model, Some aspects of the translog production function estimation, An Extensive Study on the Disturbances Generated by Collinearity in a Linear Regression Model with Three Explanatory Variables, An Analysis Model for the Disturbances Generated by Collinearity in the Context of the OLS Method, Savings-Investments Relationship in an Open Economy, A review of student test properties in condition of multifactorial linear regression, INTERDEPENDENCIES BETWEEN GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EXTERNAL EQUILIBRIUM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION ENLARGEMENT, GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH DURING EARLY 2000’S IN EU-MEMBER AND CANDIDATES STATES, THE FDI DRIVING EFFECTS ON THE EMPLOYMENT, THE IMPACT OF THE PROFESSIONAL STRUCTURE MODIFICATION ON THE MACROECONOMIC PERFORMANCE.