Europa. Arbeitsrechte. Das vorliegende Factsheet gibt hierzu einen ersten Überblick. Factsheet: The rights of EU citizens living in the UK in the event of “no deal” European youth portal Arbeitsrechte. A new EU trade agreement with Japan . Since 2010, Portugal’s score has increased by 7.6 points. A clinical network of hospitals will provide the environment for the clinical trials and a place where different stakeholders can come together and interact. The same article provides that the detailed provisions governing the exercise of the right of inquiry shall be determined by Parliament itself, acting by means of regulations on its own initiative after obtaining the … Factsheets . Das neue Factsheet der EU-Koordination bringt Licht ins Dunkel und schafft einen Überblick über die Inhalte der Plastikstrategie und der neuen Richtlinie gegen Einwegplastik in der Umwelt. European Universities Initiative factsheet - EU-CONEXUS The European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, EU-CONEXUS, has chosen to focus on urban and semi-urban coastlines because these areas are increasingly densely populated and very important for trade, aquaculture and fisheries, energy, tourism and more. Jul. EFSA erklärt Risikobewertung: Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nitrite und Nitrate. The EU is active in the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP) and is a member of the Middle East Quartet, working towards a two-state solution based on the 2003 Roadmap for Peace. With 61.3 out of 100 points, Portugal ranks 16th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Europäisches Solidaritätskorps Freiwilliges Engagement Arbeiten Lernen Deine Meinung zählt! Gender Equality Index 2020: Portugal. The factsheets produced by the European Commission's Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department provide overviews on specific themes or geographical areas. With 61.3 out of 100 points, Portugal ranks 16th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Jan. 2021. Technische Daten. Fact Sheets. Dieses Factsheet gibt denjenigen Informationen und Vorschläge an die Hand, die praktische Maßnahmen ergreifen möchten, um Gewalt bei der Arbeit zu bekämpfen. Dieses Factsheet enthält Informationen und Vorschläge für alle, die konkrete Maßnahmen gegen Mobbing ergreifen möchten. IFBS Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen … 2017 gingen 66,5 % der Frauen in der EU zwischen 20 und 64 Jahren einer Berufstätigkeit nach, gegenüber 62,1 % im Jahr 2010. Country factsheets: The EU's Neighbourhood, Western Balkans and Russia The Fact Sheets are grouped into five chapters: 1) How the European Union works; 2) Economy, science and quality of life; 3) Cohesion, growth and jobs; 4) Citizens: fundamental rights, security and justice and 5) The EU’s external relations. Dafür wurden die Aussagen kontextualisiert und einem Faktencheck unterzogen. EU-Afghanistan relations, factsheet . Factsheet - National helpdesks - at your service, in your language They are also available in Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish. These country and regional factsheets show the impact Erasmus+ has had on mobility and cooperation between Europe and other regions of the world. Publication date: 23 March 2021 Get the factsheet This factsheet is currently being translated and translations will be available shortly. Die Agentur produziert zurzeit eine Reihe von Factsheets, die helfen sollen, arbeitsbedingten Stress und einige seiner wichtigsten Auslöser zu bekämpfen. 2020. Bei dem vorliegenden Dokument handelt es sich um Werbematerial. Find out more about the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) YouTube Videos. Fact Sheets. Fact-Sheet GL - EU-Bauprodukteverordnung - DOWNLOAD. Die tägliche Praxis zeigt, dass die am Bau Beteiligten eine Hilfestellung zu ihren Aufgaben und ihrer Verantwortung im Umgang mit CE-gekennzeichnet Bauprodukten benötigen. Dieses Factsheet gibt denjenigen Informationen und Vorschläge an die Hand, die praktische Maßnahmen ergreifen möchten, um Gewalt bei der Arbeit zu bekämpfen. Factsheets Data … Factsheets The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is dedicated to ensuring transparency by applying Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 (the “ATD Regulation”) regarding public access to documents. EUR FEBRUAR 2021 FACTSHEET Sofern nicht anders angegeben, Informationen über die Wertentwicklung, Portfolioaufgliederung und das Nettovermögen zum: 28.Feb 2021. Foreign and development policies and trade relations; the promotion of human rights and democracy; the enlargement and relations beyond the EU’s neighbourhood. Factsheets. Menü . Find here explanatory factsheets and infographics. EFSA explains Independence: EFSA's Independence Policy 2017 and implementing rules. Bruxelles, 20/11/2020 - 10:30, UNIQUE ID: 160929_01. Die Agentur produziert zurzeit eine Reihe von Factsheets, die helfen sollen, arbeitsbedingten Stress und einige seiner wichtigsten Auslöser zu bekämpfen. Berliner EU-Fact Sheets Die Berliner EU-Fact Sheets wurden anlässlich der Wahlen des Europäischen Parlaments 2019 von der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa initiiert. Alle weiteren Daten per 10.Mär 2021. The country is progressing towards gender equality faster than other EU … Informationsblätter zur Rechtsprechung. Factsheet - Information Requirements for repeated dose toxicity and reproductive toxicity – substances over 100 (and 1000) tonnes. Factsheet: The rights of EU citizens living in the UK in the event of “no deal” Die EU setzt sich jedoch dafür ein, dass Frauen die gleichen Chancen bei der Beschäftigung haben und gleiches Entgelt erhalten. Sie porträtieren mit EU-Fokus die Berliner Senatsverwaltungen und Bezirke und erläutern die positiven Aspekte der EU- Drafted by the policy departments and the Economic Governance Support Unit, the Fact Sheets are available in 24 languages. Europe - Fact sheets IP in the Fashion Industry Europe is home to some of history’s most important textile and fashion inventions and a number of the most celebrated designers, manufacturers, innovators and artists, such as Coco Chanel, Giorgio Armani and Christian Dior, to name a few. Unterstützend wurden Daten, Nachweise und weiterführende Literatur … On this page you will find Fact Sheets and Infographics developed by the EFFA Committees to explain further what flavourings are and their characteritics. Its score is 6.6 points below the EU’s score. It is essential to creating better jobs, building a greener society and improving our quality of life, but also to maintaining EU competitiveness in the global market. Europäisches Solidaritätskorps Freiwilliges Engagement Arbeiten Lernen Deine Meinung zählt! This year's factsheets are shorter and more user-friendly compared to previous editions. Ziel war es dabei, hochkomplexe Sachverhalte verständlich aufzubereiten und die spezifischen „Truths“ und „Lies“ der Argumente aufzudecken. Abschiebung. Mobbing steht in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang mit arbeitsbedingtem Stress. The EU’s relationship with Afghanistan is guided by the 2017 EU Strategy for Afghanistan, aimed at strengthening the country’s institutions and economy. It provides benefits for both consumers and workers in the EU. Seit 2016 hat die EU 16 Projekte von Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft in Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika und Osteuropa mit insgesamt 5,2 Mio. The factsheets look at the main data related to the processing of … Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and Regulation (EU) 2017/746 set the rules on placing medical and in vitro diagnostic devices on the market and on related clinical investigations. They are also available in Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish. EU-PEARL’s partners include some of the world’s foremost experts in adaptive platform trials. 7. Load fact sheet in pdf format. Europa. Find here explanatory factsheets and infographics. The factsheets include key data relating to: population and economy, CAP expenditure and distribution of direct aids, agricultural inputs, outputs and income, agricultural prices, agricultural trade, farm structure. The internal market, consumer protection and public health; social, employment, industrial, energy and environment policies; the EMU, taxation and financial services. In parallel, the EU adopted various restrictive measures in … 2017 gingen 66,5 % der Frauen in der EU zwischen 20 und 64 Jahren einer Berufstätigkeit nach, gegenüber 62,1 % im Jahr 2010. Andere Sprachen. Menü . Mit ihrer Politik im Bereich Lebensmittelsicherheit verfolgt die EU zweierlei Ziele, nämlich den Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit und der Verbraucherinteressen einerseits und die Förderung eines reibungslos funktionierenden europäischen Binnenmarkts andererseits. Regional and cohesion policy, the common agricultural and fisheries policies; transport, tourism and trans-European networks; culture, education and sport. Factsheets EDPS Enforcement Powers. The EU’s relationship with Afghanistan is guided by the 2017 EU Strategy for Afghanistan, aimed at strengthening the country’s institutions and economy. Ziel war es dabei, hochkomplexe Sachverhalte verständlich aufzubereiten und die spezifischen „Truths“ und „Lies“ der Argumente aufzudecken. The country is progressing towards gender equality faster than other EU … Kompakt erklärt: Unqiue Formula Identifier (UFI) Das Kürzel „UFI“ steht für „Unqiue Formula Identifier“ und wird als neuer Produktidentifikator in SDB Abschnitt 1 und in Etiketten aufgeführt. Mobbing verursacht sowohl für die … … Fact Sheet on the nutritional value of flavourings The European Flavour Association (EFFA) welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) Farm to Fork Strategy and the associated initiative on front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labelling. When EU institutions and bodies process personal data, they must comply with the principle of accountability and the obligations set out in the EU Data Protection Regulation 45/2001. A new EU trade agreement with Japan . Factsheet - National helpdesks - at your service, in your language Articles 206-207 (trade) and 216-219 (international agreements) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The statistical factsheets present the annual economic and agricultural data for each EU country and the European Union as a whole. Fact-Sheets. Mit den Factsheets sollten einzelne europakritische Aussagen differenziert beleuchtet werden. EFSA erklärt Tierschutz: Erkenntnisse zum Tierschutz bei der Schlachtung tragender Tiere . EU … Factsheets . Weiterführende vertiefende Informationen sind in dem … The measures adopted by the EU are of a fiscal, technical, administrative and social nature. Find out more about the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) YouTube Videos. Browse the Fact Sheets by chapter and section and either download or read them online. Terrorismus. Die rechtliche Grundlage für die Einführung des alphanumerischen Codes bildet Anhang VIII der CLP Verordnung. Berliner EU-Fact Sheets Die Berliner EU-Fact Sheets wurden anlässlich der Wahlen des Europäischen Parlaments 2019 von der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa initiiert. EU-Bauprodukteverordnung. Die EU setzt sich jedoch dafür ein, dass Frauen die gleichen Chancen bei der Beschäftigung haben und gleiches Entgelt erhalten. The statistical factsheets present the annual economic and agricultural data for each EU country and the European Union as a whole. Hinweise für Anleger in der Schweiz: Anleger sollten vor einer Investition die Wesentlichen Informationen für die … Infographic - A short introduction to flavourings . All factsheets listed below are updated regularly, with their latest revision date indicated on each page. Dieses Fact-Sheet aus dem Themenbereich GRUNDLAGEN informiert über die EU-Bauprodukteverordnung. Useful infographics and documents to help you stay informed about your rights and responsibilities regarding data protection. Load fact sheet in pdf format Creating more and better jobs is one of the main goals of the Europe 2020 strategy. Gewerkschaftsrechte. Its score is 6.6 points below the EU’s score. These factsheets are free for you to download, print and share with others. Vorläufige Maßnahmen. 2017 betrug die Beschäftigungsquote der Männer 78 % und 2010 75,1 %. They provide facts and figures useful for policy-makers, civil society actors and journalists alike, showing that … Die rechtliche Grundlage für die Einführung des alphanumerischen Codes bildet Anhang VIII der CLP Verordnung. Mit den Factsheets sollten einzelne europakritische Aussagen differenziert beleuchtet werden. EFSA erklärt Risikobewertung: Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nitrite und Nitrate. When EU institutions and bodies process personal data, they must comply with the principle of accountability and the obligations set out in the EU Data Protection Regulation 45/2001. Terrorismus. Factsheet - National helpdesks - at your service, in your language As an institution representing the citizens of Europe, Parliament forms the democratic basis of the European Union. The European employment strategy (EES), with its monitoring process and connected funding instruments, contributes to ‘soft coordination’. By theme: Agriculture [other languages] Food safety and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (animal and plant health) [other languages] Market Access [other languages] Precautionary Principle [other languages] All factsheets listed below are updated regularly, with their latest revision date indicated on each page. Die EU ist auch weltweit ein wichtiger Geldgeber für Projekte zur Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung gegenüber LGBTI, vor allem über das Europäische Instrument für Demokratie und Menschenrechte. JustCitizens have written these factsheets to help EU citizens better understand their rights to live, work, study and access healthcare, benefits and housing in Scotland. Download. Dafür wurden die Aussagen kontextualisiert und einem Faktencheck unterzogen. Factsheet - Information Requirements for repeated dose toxicity and reproductive toxicity – substances over 100 (and 1000) tonnes. Länder, die der EU beitreten möchten, müssen Menschen schützen, die sich Diskriminierungen und Gewalt gegenübersehen. The EU’s historical development, the successive treaties, its legal system, decision-making procedures, institutions and bodies, and financing. The factsheets include key data relating to: European Union: agriculture statistical factsheet, Belgium: agriculture statistical factsheet, Bulgaria: agriculture statistical factsheet, Czechia: agriculture statistical factsheet, Denmark: agriculture statistical factsheet, Germany: agriculture statistical factsheet, Estonia: agriculture statistical factsheet, Ireland: agriculture statistical factsheet, Greece: agriculture statistical factsheet, France: agriculture statistical factsheet, Croatia: agriculture statistical factsheet, Cyprus: agriculture statistical factsheet, Latvia: agriculture statistical factsheet, Lithuania: agriculture statistical factsheet, Luxembourg: agriculture statistical factsheet, Hungary: agriculture statistical factsheet, Netherlands: agriculture statistical factsheet, Austria: agriculture statistical factsheet, Poland: agriculture statistical factsheet, Portugal: agriculture statistical factsheet, Romania: agriculture statistical factsheet, Slovenia: agriculture statistical factsheet, Slovakia: agriculture statistical factsheet, Finland: agriculture statistical factsheet, Sweden: agriculture statistical factsheet, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media. An overview of CETA - (other languages) The 7 main parts of the agreement; CETA and agriculture - (other languages) How EU agriculture benefits; … JustCitizens have written these factsheets to help EU citizens better understand their rights to live, work, study and access healthcare, benefits and housing in Scotland. By theme: Agriculture [other languages] Food safety and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (animal and plant health) [other languages] Market Access [other languages] Precautionary Principle [other languages] … Each Fact Sheet can be saved individually. PDF Factsheets They may include compilations of decisions, reviews of summaries or explanatory notes by the Court of Justice of the European Union or the member courts of the RJUE. Factsheet - The Public Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory. How pesticides are regulated in the EU - EFSA and the assessment of active substances. Das neue Factsheet mit Ausgabedatum 11/2020 widmet sich der EU-Bauprodukteverordnung (EU-BauPVO). An overview of CETA - (other languages) The 7 main parts of the agreement; CETA and agriculture - (other languages) How EU agriculture benefits; … Andere Sprachen. Factsheets The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is dedicated to ensuring transparency by applying Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 (the “ATD Regulation”) regarding public access to documents. Dieses Factsheet enthält Informationen und Vorschläge für alle, die konkrete Maßnahmen gegen Mobbing ergreifen möchten. Infographic on the enforcement powers of the EDPS. Factsheets. 21-01-27_edps_enforcement_powers_en.pdf. The EU is facing new and increasing threats and challenges. Newsletter Factsheets about the agreement. Innovation plays an increasing role in our economy. 27. The factsheets look at the main data related to the processing of … Im Abschnitt „Weitere Informationen" am Ende des Factsheets finden Sie Hinweise auf andere hilfreiche Quellen der Agentur. Fact sheets ‘ Fact sheets ’ are documents analysing the legislation, case-law or state of positive law on a given subject. Factsheets. Additionally, a dedicated factsheet for the EU which focuses on all the matters related to digital public administration and interoperability at the European Union level is also available. Kompakt erklärt: Unqiue Formula Identifier (UFI) Das Kürzel „UFI“ steht für „Unqiue Formula Identifier“ und wird als neuer Produktidentifikator in SDB Abschnitt 1 und in Etiketten aufgeführt. Four fact sheets, produced by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), provide an evidence-based overview over what the EU-Mercosur FTA would mean for climate change and land use, food safety, pesticides and GMOs, and public procurement. I. Syria. Learn about our unique approach to dividend-weighted UCITS ETFs with our downloadable fact sheets from WisdomTree Europe. Created in 1979 for Parliament’s first direct elections, the Fact Sheets are designed to provide non-specialists with a straightforward, concise and accurate overview of the European Union’s institutions and policies, and the role that the European Parliament plays in their development. CETA factsheet and guides. Ausweisung und Abschiebung "Dublin-Fälle” Kollektivausweisungen. Since 2010, Portugal’s score has increased by 7.6 points. The online version is reviewed and updated at regular intervals throughout the year, as soon as Parliament adopts any important positions or policies. Learn about our unique approach to dividend-weighted UCITS ETFs with our downloadable fact sheets from WisdomTree Europe. German Factsheets. Artikel Details; Ergänzungen; Reference bauPVO_factsheet_download. GL - EU-Bauprodukteverordnung - DOWNLOAD. Factsheet - Information Requirements for repeated dose toxicity and reproductive toxicity – substances over 100 (and 1000) tonnes. These experts were consulted by the World Health Organisation during the design phase of the Solidarity trial, a study to test multiple COVID-19 treatment, diagnostic and prevention options, including vaccines. If the EU is to have democratic legitimacy, Parliament must be fully involved in the Union’s legislative process and exercise political scrutiny over the other EU institutions on behalf of the public. Unterstützend wurden Daten, Nachweise und weiterführende Literatur … For any enquiries, please contact the Coordination of Editorial and Communication Activities Unit, e-mail:, Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), Citizens: fundamental rights, security and justice. EDPS Factsheet 3 provides information on how the EDPS works with the EU … Von der Presseabteilung zusammengestellte thematische Informationsblätter zur Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofs. Factsheet - The Public Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory. Devices are grouped according to their risk category, each of which has a specific set of rules. Factsheet - ECHA and the EU’s legislation on chemicals. Europe - Fact sheets. Fact Sheet UFI 2019-07. How pesticides are regulated in the EU - EFSA and the assessment of active substances. Fact Sheets on the European Union Welcome to the Fact Sheets website. EUR unterstützt. CAP expenditure and distribution of direct aids. Factsheet - ECHA and the EU’s legislation on chemicals. Factsheets about the agreement. German Factsheets. Factsheets. A flavouring is a food ingredient that brings taste and variety to food. Gewalt bei der CETA factsheet and guides. Today, the EU textile and clothing sector remains an SME-based industry. Created in 1979 for Parliament’s first direct elections, the Fact Sheets are designed to provide non-specialists with a straightforward, concise and accurate overview of the European Union’s institutions and policies, and the role that the European Parliament plays in their development. Individual and collective rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights; freedom, security and justice, including immigration and asylum policies. Factsheet - The Public Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory. Erasmus+ factsheet This five-page factsheet gives an overview of the Erasmus+ programme at a glance. Die Agentur produziert zurzeit eine Reihe von Factsheets, die helfen sollen, arbeitsbedingten Stress und einige seiner wichtigsten Auslöser zu bekämpfen. European youth portal Europäisches Jugendportal Informationen und Chancen für junge Menschen in ganz Europa. Fact Sheet UFI 2019-07. Arbeit und Unternehmen. EUR … According to Article 226 of the TFEU, Parliament has the power to set up a temporary committee of inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions or maladministration in the implementation of EU law. How to find a business partner in Canada, October 2020; How to export to Canada, September 2019; General factsheets. They show annual and cumulative facts and figures for the duration of the Erasmus+ programme, 2014-2020.